Subject: To Robert Re: Your message thanks for sharing it with all here. And it is true. |
The Caring Angel
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Date Posted: 14:25:46 08/21/03 Thu
Hi Robert,
Thanks for sharing that message with everyone. and yes it is true. To always be ready. because Jesus is returning soon. And Jesus is real a lot of people saw him. And also he is not in heaven.I never went back to this board after putting here that this board has moved. Because I thought others would go to the new board and post. And so I happen to just went to this board now and than saw your message and I am responding to this right away. I would like to invite you to come visit my Christian message board. And you are welcome to be a member of my Christian board.You can think of my board as yours. And to post to others so that others know that they are not alone. I post to them too helping them thanks. When you get their to go to my Christian message board click on the link that says return back to my Web page and their is free Christian and angel cards for you to send free Christian midis for you to listen to, bible studies, Christian daily devotions, Christian testimonies, Christian dictionary, Christian games for others to play so that they can be encouraged about God even more, their is a category like Questions about the bible, their is a category that says Christian topics where people can post anything related to Christian topics that is in the bible. On my Christian message board their are categories like prayer requests, marriages, relationships, and raising kids there you can post or get advice on it and if you got problems with the marriage relationships or raising kids you can post it there and you will get help there, testimonies, raffle drawings, Christian poems, Christian fellowship, Bible Studies, Introduce yourself, Christian lyrics to Christian songs there you can worship God and be encouraged about God even more, Advice column where you can post problems about anything in your life you are having and than you can ask for advice regarding your problems and answers guaranteed! And more categories that is on my board. You can post their as often as you like forever thanks. You can think of that as your hang out place. You can invite your friends to join too to be a member of my board thanks. I appreciate it a lot. God and Jesus loves you forever! It is too much to handle to handle this old message board And the new one.Plus I don't have time. To handle two message boards. Only one which is my new one. And so I am not going to be coming back to this board. And I think you all will be going to my new ones. And so if anyone would like to be a voulunteer here at this old board here at VoyForums you can feel free to answer any posts and prayer requests here incase others are still posting here. And you can direct them to my new board thanks. So all know they are not alone thanks. And I care for you all Christians. <><
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