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Subject: Urgent Prayer Request!!!!

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Date Posted: 19:54:02 10/29/03 Wed

Dear Pastor,
This is my praise report and new prayer in this order. I emailed you earlier this month in reference to my roommate bringing crackhead to this house and three days later God answered my prayers and the landlord told her she has until Novemeber 1, 2003 to find another place to live Glory to God. I am extremely please with the prayer partners agree with me regarding my prayer request. My new prayer request is Sr Anne in speedy recovery, deneverne in getting her hearts desire, leo to get his hearts desire,tessy to pass english exam,paul grugger & wife, and for a special prayer for Marina. Also, I am need of $3,300 hundred dollars to clear up a legal situation. In addition, I just lost my job however I have an interview on Monday and I really want this job as a loan processor. Just as soon as I lost my job another job was in the paper the nexr week pls agree with me to get that job. Also when I lost my job I lost my health insurance. As a result the doctor called me back in to do a biopsis of the cerevix and he told me the worst thing would be is that I would have to have a hysteorectomy. However I go back to get my results in 2 weeks I am requesting prayer that whatever they thought they saw will dissolve because at this point I do not have any health insurance and I need special prayer for healing. Also, I want to move from where I currently live it is just to stressful. pls agree with me to get my housing voucher, they have put me hold long enough. Thank you prayer partners for you continued prayers of agreement and God Bless

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Re: Urgent Prayer Request!!!!The Caring Angel17:17:04 01/17/04 Sat

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