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Date Posted: 16:32:19 07/20/01 Fri
Author: Biggs, Dream Guide
Subject: Biggs nodded...
In reply to: Rana 's message, "The Manarian wizard raised an eyebrow..." on 17:31:31 07/18/01 Wed

I suppose it is time for you to returen. Time is running out. I ony say we stay here as a means of keeping safe. The southlands a dagerous place to travel during night fall.

As to your questions, the Southlands are like no other on Dah'Li, it is like a mirror world of your own universe, night and day do exist here unlike the rest of Dah'Li, it is strange, but these are the holy lands, everything is like you universe here.

Now, for the time being, you do not serve any more purpose, and we will begin our trek back to the Forests, but be fore warned, the scroll must enter the physical world to work. And once you utter the sacred words on the scroll, the portal will be forever opend in that very spot, so, when you retrieve the great power and return to the mortal relme, you must conceal the portal, for then everyone may enter without being asleep.

Also, for your journy to Sheesh'a'ream, you may bring along three, and only three companions, no more. You may bring two or one but no more than three. And the gates to the great power are guarded, so it will be a challange. ONce you enter Dah'Li with your mortal body, your powers, to their full extent will be needed. And sence you have been choosen, only you may complete the task. If you fail, all will be lost.

Now, since you have little time to assemble your team, we must leave now. I can take you back to the rift in which you entered, but from there until the time you come back to Dah'Li, I can not help you. The portal will only open in the forests, so you will have to make the trek back to the Southlands, now, let us begin.

The desert began to swirl around, and Rana and Biggs were once again in the lush forests of Dah'Li

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