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Date Posted: 17:04:41 09/04/01 Tue
Author: Dai-Ur'Son
Subject: It's not a question of hiding from the storm...

...the fact is there is no storm. Dai-Ur'Son walked into this land which for a moment was desert and that only because the crowd before him (they seemed to be traversing the same path) said something about a dessert and a storm, automatically affecting Dai-Ur'Son's thoughts.

Once the initial impression was gone, the storm no longer existed and neither did the dessert. He was still walking through the lush fields of the Manarian Farms, high above a star twinkling...Rugby in the Heavens.

Up ahead he saw the ground open up, flames began to lick his bath and he could hear a deep resonating voice calling out to him...telling him that dreams and sleep is one step closer to where he should be...one step nearer to escape.

Dai-Ur'Son pushed the voice back until it was a small voice deep in his thoughts. The dark voice delved in and hid, Dai-Ur'Son not realizing that to suppress such a dark voice was the worst thing he could do.

He continued to walk forward and his pace accelerated with out him realizing it. He passed the crowd and turned to them momentarily, his slanted eyes squinting at them as he tried to take in their details. A strange group.

He turned away from them and a shadow surrounded his body, cloaking him in darkness...

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