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Date Posted: 14:42:26 01/08/05 Sat
Author: Distophia

Check out our website- we've uploaded two brand-new tracks which we've been working on in our spare time over the winter. The tracks are both demos, recorded using our eight track recorder and a couple of borrowed SM58 microphones- hence the rough-and-ready recording quality. The tracks are so new that they've come around (much) too late to be featuring on our forthcoming studio album, due for release during the first quarter of this coming year- in fact, they're so new that they don't even have titles! And that's where you lot come in...

We want people to listen to the two tracks and suggest suitable titles for them. Download them and post title suggestions to our message board (http://www.distophia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=147), or just send them to info@distophia.com if you're feeling a bit shy. Don't worry if your suggestion is random, irrelevent, or just plain stupid- it can be anything from a lifted lyric to something totally abstract and unrelated, so long as it makes a good title and that you feel it fits well with the song.

If you suggest a title and then think of another, then go ahead and suggest your new one too- we want to hear all your ideas, and if any of them are good enough then we'll choose them as the actual, set-in-stone titles to the songs when we get `round to recording them properly at the studio. Your suggestion could go down in history as the title of the next top 1000-busting, bona fide Distophia worldwide superhit- so what are you waiting for?

Let us know what you think of the tracks too on our message board...

Happy new year,



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