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Date Posted: 21:37:34 04/22/02 Mon
Author: CJ
Subject: Asst. Horse Gear 4 Sale (Vic)

Sellout of gear due to no longer having horses, and its only cluttering up my shed!

Assorted gear package incl. Green nylon lunge rein, blue heavy duty leadrope, 1 rubber curry comb, 2 plastic curry combs, 1 body brushe(soft) and 3 body brushes(hard), one bot egg knife. $15 the lot, all in good to v.g condition.

6 ft Winter canvas horse rug, wool lining (not that cheap stuff), shoulder gussetts, tail flap & good strong fittings. Used for one and a half winters, no rips or tears. $48. (selling for a friend of mine)

Cob sized bridle,(with reins) suit for work or spare as in fair to good condition, needs an oil though. $10.(no bit)

Full size Eye Guardian mask, this is hard to describe, it is made of a strong, durable mesh type material, fits over the horses head, behind the ears, does up with velcro, and around under the back of jaw with velcro. The eye parts of this are round & actually come out 1" from the horses eyes, and each eye part can be detached separately (velcro) ideal for horses with eye injuries (easy to treat, just take off the eye peice) or any horse who need 90% uv protection for their eyes (bought from US) $25.

Black lambswool (synthetic) numnah, full size. GC. $15.

Located in outer north-western subs of Melb.

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