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Date Posted: 10:20:25 07/23/01 Mon
Author: Piccolo
Subject: (a second try) Hunting>>>

He sprints out in search of prey. Within minutes, he comes across a herd of deer. Quietly, he approaches *SNAP*, he steps on a twig. The deer turn around and spot him, then flee.
Almost two hours later, Piccolo is troting along a tree line. A wind blows toward him, carrying many scents. He smells something that gets his attention! It is a herd of elk! There is also another sent. Blood. Hungry and curious, he takes off in there direction, down into a valley.
It doesn't take Piccolo long to find the small herd. He also finds the source of blood. An old bull is badly wounded. One side of his face is all torn up. One leg is swollen. Its left side is also badly gashed. Piccolo could only wonder what could have happened to the elk. He suddenly charges at the herd, making bounding leaps over falen trees. The herd panicks and retreats up the valley. One cow elk stumbles and falls almost two yards from Piccolo, but he ignores her. With a mighty leap, he is on the injured bull, sinking his teeth into the throat. The elk bellows and falls down. Piccolo lets go then bites agin. The elk dies quickly. He howls quickly then begins to eat.

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