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Date Posted: 15:37:09 02/03/02 Sun
Author: Sedge Fur, Storm Alarm, Quamia
Subject: Team Hunting>>>

The three siblings sprint along in single file. Quamia, who is in the lead, suddenly stops. Using her ears and tail as a signal, she tells her brother and sister that she has found prey and what to do. She quickly makes her way through a thicket, then bursts out into a valley. A cow elk gets to her feet and runs off with the three wolves close behind. She stumbles once and Sedge Fur leaps at her side. The elk bucks him off and kicks out, catching Storm Alarm in the side. The hunt ends there. Quamia and Sedge Fur hurry over to their fallen sister. Storm Alarm whimpers and struggles to her feet and sways. Her siblings help her stay up, and they make their way slowly out of the area.

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