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Date Posted: 14:54:57 01/17/14 Fri
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Dragons are a Reality

Has Dragons Ever Existed

Modern scientists are generally laughing about the belief in dragons by people in older time. But if we stydy what properties people actually attributed to dragons, we easily see that the word dragon was used about reptiles that in fact existed in former periods or still exist.

First of all, a dragon has a reptile-like body with a more or less long neck and a long tail. Furthermore the dragon was thought off as a predator with a specific behavior of luring at the pray and then swiftly plunging foreward and caching it. A dragon has a clefted red tongue, and usually has the ability to spit fire. It has shells and usually a comb running along the top of the neck and back. The size can vary from small to very big. In addition a dragon is thought to have wings, usually fairly small however.

You can find reptiles with all these properties, except the ability to spit fire. But reptils have the habit of sticking out the clefted tongue and waving it so it looks like a flame.

A big and dangerous reptile, called the comodo varan, living on islands in south east Asia, has all these properties, but lacks wings.

Another reptile, the so-colled flying dragon or Draco volans, living in south America, also has wings in addition, and can glide from branch to branch of trees. This reptile is small however.

And of cource many extinct reptiles conform to the definition of a dragon, and fairly intact scheletons of these have been found so people new about them, but could not decide if these still were living some place. Usually people thought so, but that thought was not stupid.

Regards Knut Holt
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