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Date Posted: 19:29:29 09/30/02 Mon
Author: Calypso
Subject: My openion....
In reply to: Monica 's message, "My topic for essay #1- what's ur take ?" on 18:34:07 09/30/02 Mon

Is that religion sould never be mixed with state.
However, I'm also fairly religous and believe that there's nothing wrong with the phrase'under God'.

That said, I'm going to be a cynic and tell you that while idealisticly I fully believe in the seperation of Church and state I don't believe in it as a possibility simply because of human nature. People tend to associate faith with order; which is to say that disassociating the powers that be from the forces which control our lives (such as the goverment) isn't something that people are going to be inclined to do.

There's also the fact that the US goverment was founded by people who were largely catholic or christian, the very basis of the country don't allow for total seperation. If we did, we would have to change the currency (it still says 'in god we trust' right?), the declaration of independance (I think there's a couple phrases regarding god in there,) and the president (who likes to make biblical references in speechs).

And, if you let me get some sleep, I think I might come up with an openion that actually makes sense.



>hey guys and girls i just thought i would get ur
>feelings toward my essay topic (finally i picked one
>:) )
>here is a summery i wrote on a article i found on
>Because of the 1954 insertion of the phrase “under
>God” by Congress The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
>ruled that in public schools reciting the pledge of
>allegiance is an unconstitutional “endorsement of
>religion”. Lawmakers on both sides are upset with the
>ruling and president of the United States thinks the
>ruling is “ridiculous”. The government does say that
>the addition of “under God” was made to acknowledge a
>Supreme Being. Also the insertion of “under god was
>made to advance religion at a time when the government
>was publicly attacking atheistic communism. The court
>of appeals document recent U.S. Supreme Court
>decisions that said students cannot hold religious
>prayers because it violates the Constitution.
>tell me what u think
>thanks for letting me share

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