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Date Posted: 14:22:05 10/02/02 Wed
Author: Karen
Subject: I agree, and DVD wish lists...
In reply to: Calypso 's message, "Humm... it wasn't the actresses that bugged me, it was the story lines" on 13:35:45 10/02/02 Wed

Definitely agree about Shannon, especially the last season she was in. I didn't really have a strong opinion about her personally, but she pissed me right the hell off with all that "wasting her talent on a show for 12-year-olds" crap. I enjoy the show, I'm 40, I have fairly good taste, and really got me mad that she was basically insulting me and every other adult who watches Charmed.

I have to admit though, that my favorite has always been Piper. Holly is also such an excellent actress, I think better than Shannon [of course that's just personal opinion :) ] I'm sort of more like Piper, and wish I was more like her. :) I also wish my hair was straight like hers - mine is sort of wavy and curly, has a mind of it's own. Having Leo wouldn't be all that bad either... ;}

I liked that they were all brunettes too, being one myself, and sick of all the hulabaloo about blondes :), but I'm getting used to Rose's hair; maybe it's calmed downed a bit after a few washes. :) And yes, she was a little too stiff when she first got in, which is sort of understandable given she was walking into an established show in the aftermath of what seemed to have been a really stressful situation. I think she's definitely fitting in better this season.

I've pretty much loved the series, give or take an episode or so, since the first episode. I just hope that they decide to put it on DVD, since it's on my short list of shows I'd like to get a complete library of.

Speaking of, I thought that would be a good question for everyone to throw around. Aside from the one most obvious to all of us here - Witchblade - what television series would you want to own on DVD, from beginning to end? This would be my wish list:

[Witchblade and Charmed]
All the Star Trek series [Original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise]
and, last but not least, Farscape

If I had fabulous wealth, and money to throw around, I'd also add X-Files and all the Law & Order series. :)

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