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Subject: SAISC IT Committee

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Date Posted: 16:05:59 07/13/01 Fri

Following our first IT Committee meeting, we (“I”) decided to try using a bulletin board in order to avoid long meetings and in my case avoid the writing of minutes.

For those of you who are new to the group welcome.

Our primary goal is to promote the “sensible” use of IT in the steel construction industry.


Promote the concept of IT strategic planning in our member organizations. (It is far more than purchasing hardware and software) We need to develop (Borrow) some guidelines. This is particularly important for smaller organizations who do not have access to full time IT professionals.

Promote computer integration standards in the industry. This will be followed by a formal statement by the SAISC in the September November “Steel Construction”. CIMsteel www.cis2.org and AECxml www.aecxml.org . Dr Andrew Crowley who heads Cimsteel at the SCI will be visiting the CSIR and SAISC in the near future.

We need to assess current software being used by the industry
- design software being used in South Africa
- detailing software
- estimating software
- Management information systems
- Project management software
- General office software etc

Could members of the committee please make an assessment in their own organizations.

The object of the bulletin board is to add to the database on biweekly basis. Please try and contribute at least twice a month.

Regards Paolo

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