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Date Posted: 21:26:43 07/27/04 Tue
Author: tg
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Subject: desperately seeking...
people who are on, have been on, should have been on the following list for the first annual bc&s reunion.....the reunion will be an all day gig starting on august 6th at approximately 6 am pacific standard time until midnight. please tell any friends you know who dont still post to drop on by....and your welcome to bring your new friends along as well.....we are on permanent summer rules at the c&s so it should be quite amusing. the reunion will be hosted at www.voy.com/13746/ see you then!
AnGeL X (Board Momma), Max, Angharad, Virtygo (V), shk24, Shannon, oscar, Kurupt, Cassandra, Juliet, Buffy12185, Storm, Dorit, Rose, Goddess Minerva, Joann, Nyx, lily, XG (XandersGirl), Havoc, LC, Angel luvr, Lexy, LaVelle, Garnet, Bagel, BNLXand, Xander's Woman, Giles2, katy, LoCkErMoNsTeR, Dru (da Hanson Slayer), Joe, Litabuffy, SLAYER, Jen, kattleya, Mariel, Heather H. (Heater), Alyssa, Slayergirl, Fuzzy Peach, Amy, Mina/Elizabetha, Lydia, Onos, Susan, buffy_summers_, dawn, Jackie, a.k.a. buffy, Vampy Angel, Berry, Aeariana (Ari), Barb, NikkiPup, Jenna, Druphile, Willowgirl, moodringer, Megg, Evil Willow, Chase, Chris-c, Karen, ~AngelHART~ (~AngelHasaSoul~), Sally Ann, JenJoy, Sarah, Ashley, Buffster30, Jennie, Glow, XNA, belle, Mitsy, wwolfe, Jen~slayergurl~, OztheVampSlayer, Maye, Will0w99, Aly, Gwen, G-Man (Gellar's Man), Angel love, Kaytee, Ash, AngelzBuffy, Carrie, David, Smoochez, Apparitions (Appy), Miesl-Dru, Kuzibah, SealedNFate, Ducks, freaketeofnature, Pilgrim Soul, surleigh, Enigma, August, Ellenore, FireChild, Erinn, MN, Ampersand Girl, BoBtheVS (BoB), silver, Xander, Sunshine, Kay, Beck, DGH, Silver Cloud, blondie bear, Spike's Slayer, Lucy, F=J, Cass, Jenm, greeneyes, Delirium, Lurker Girl Ashtal, Sherpa, skinner, Andromeda, SocKs, buffer the vamper killer, Melissa, Jeff, Christina, bigfan, Floss, Drusilla, Lindsers, Zuleikha, Shining Star, AngelStarr, Roxymoron, onesy, Green Armadillo, Talia, Live4Buffy, VampyrSlayer, Cece (formerly Cece0211), heather galaxy, Net Boy, Kira, J, Perceval, Alex, Kuyovedas, coma girl, xosluver, jojo_342, Searay, CherryWillow (CW), Matt, Chloe, WildFyre, sophie, Robert, Frogmomma, winkerbean, Anthony, Toby, niallg, Laura, europa, Wiccagirl, Hazel, Ruth, Laus, Bowen, HJay, CrimsonVampyre, Otto, Austin, GG (Giles Girl), MCLVR, Eowyn, Swirly Head, Buff's Bloke (BB), FrenchTaunter, Winnie the Witch, JodithGrace, Yahtzee, The GodFather, Jana, Leoff, kitty, SeventhSwan, Leora, BuhBuhRaven, Liz K., Alphakitten, Vixen, bos (buffy's other sister), Zus, Sarah Rose, Nica, Cricket (Jeanne), Aquitaine, Margot Le Faye, Blue, Kathryn, aubrey, Hush, queencretin, JennJenn, Kerri, Marigold, Saria Angel, Kat, Jesse, Beautyone, Random E, M'Lu, Penguin, Spoiled, Sanguine, Lil'SexyDevil, zoey, SpikesKitten, Pouncer, LTG (LongTimeGone), beast916, Lil Vamp Me, Bluerose, Dawnmeister, Robin the Crossover Junkie, Mandikins, Digitalis, Just Me, Maggie, Da WonderSheep, Caroline, Tensai, Zombie, Dave12Fire, Loa, december (dex), mr. dj, Faith's Man, GrantCC, Shoshanna, S2Bologna, me, J.A.I.T. (Just Another Insane Troll), jc, Spaceghostess, AminalLuv (AL), para (noid), naps, Kim, O_Jay, Swa, Buffychick, Sunday, anna, Rosemary, obsidian, Li, Spikeluver, Shiny Special One, Allen, Mikki, dreamkiller, B, Anya's Necklace, Morganis (Mo), Silver Slayer, MRW, WeakestLink, Andry, Black Dahlia, SteffiG, Kim Irene, Sponky W, BuffyFan, idoru, Bracken, JB, AurraSing, Noggins, Gunn, Silver Sunset, Scott, Angelic Jen (AJ), Grim ,_,_), Supreme, Ozmandayus, Wes, faithfully, Tepes II, thirdvampireontheleft, Jarrod Harmier, Stevicus, REddygirl, VampXander, WishMaster, Orbis, Sgt. 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my post looks so lonely..... -- tg, 00:14:19 07/29/04 Thu (
are newbies unwelcome here?
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No, there just isn't generally a lot of activity on this board -- Kuzibah, 08:18:03 07/29/04 Thu (
There's a core of about a dozen who I think only check every few days, if that, and posting is real slow. Plus, most of us read the General Spoiler Board, too.
Not to mention, it was more of an announcement than a question.
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i was going to post it... -- tg, 08:50:51 07/29/04 Thu (
at the gen spoi board as well but it seems as if the only one who posts there lately is michael....i recognize a couple of the names here from the few times ive posted at the gen board, specially grim who tends to eat everything......so do you think ya'll will make it to the reunion?
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Unfortunately... -- Kuzibah, 09:54:13 07/29/04 Thu (
We're going to be away that weekend. But I'm going to try and stop by before and after.
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do you realize.... -- tg, 13:08:00 07/30/04 Fri (
how much fun it is to say your board name?...kinda tickles my tongue!
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Why thank you -- Kuzibah, 13:54:29 07/30/04 Fri (
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Sounds fun! -- Maye, 23:48:57 07/29/04 Thu (
I was just talking to Jen about how it's hard to chat with folks anymore, with no official time to show up like the old Creature of the Night days.
I have a bachelorette party in Chicago I'm planning the very next day, but I'll do my damndest to post in between picking up the stripper and the penis cake. :-)
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The penis cake comes with a cream filling! -- Mo, 09:54:38 07/31/04 Sat (
I'm sorry. You'll never hear from me again.
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Wow it's been a LONG time since I posted... -- JenJoy, 23:55:57 07/29/04 Thu (
I already have plans that weekend. Most likely the same plans Kuz has, so I doubt I'll be near a computer.
But you never know!
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I may show up -- GG, 16:35:54 07/30/04 Fri (
but I think it is starting in the middle of the night UK time...
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oops, no it is, silly me -- GG, 16:36:58 07/30/04 Fri (
I thought you said 6PM Pacfic, not 6AM pacific...so that's 2pm around here...I'll probably be there
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I'll try and drop by. -- Mo, 09:53:32 07/31/04 Sat (
I'll be away at the same place as Kuz and Jen, but I'm not leaving until Friday morning.
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I'll be there... -- Drusilla, 13:33:31 08/02/04 Mon (
now I just need to work out the time difference in australia
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thats one reason... -- tg, 14:29:44 08/02/04 Mon (
its aaalllll day long...we have so many posters scattered throughout the world that its just easier that way!
hi..im tarasghost, ill see you friday!
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A Plea To All Boardies.... -- tg, 18:36:48 08/02/04 Mon (
i need old threads for the reunion....if were gonna do the whole "remember when" type thing we need stuff to remember cuz not everyone was here during the same time period......remember...the reunion will be held at voy.com/13746/ on friday august 6th starting at 6 am pacific time and going all the way till midnight....were gonna need alot of stuff to fill all that time people!
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