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Date Posted: 07:44:09 08/15/04 Sun
Author: Simon
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Subject: the season 7 Tara episode that never happened - Joss tells all

Been ages since I posted here, and this one's a goodie. Anyway Joss was at Wizard Con yesterday in Chicago and this is what he had to say:


Towards the end of the final season Joss intended star Buffy (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) to be granted one, as he puts it, "get out of jail free card" and change one thing in her life she'd like to have back. Rather than the obvious choices of having Angel or her mother back in her life she would instead choose to make her best friend’s life complete again, bringing back Willow's lover who was killed off at the end of season 6.

From RavenU at Whedonesque

Secondly - a short summary of the Tara thing - in one of the final episodes of the series like 3-4 before the end. He was going to have an episode where somehow Buffy is given aone wish and she could have anything - and the episode would revolve around her being tormented over what to wish for. Ay the end she walks into Willows room with a pair of new shoes talking about how they are the best shoes ever. After going on and on over the shoes - Willow is upsey and ask Buffy did she use her one wish for the new shoes. Buffy tells her no and then leaves the room, Willow then turns around and Tara is standing behind her.

He said he wanted to end it on one of then having a happy relationship - again to throw everyone off.

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[> This would have made me happy... -- Grim ,_,_), 08:32:34 08/16/04 Mon (

If only for the fact that Kennedy would have been killed by Tara.

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[> [> *snicker* -- JenJoy, 11:10:42 08/16/04 Mon (

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