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Date Posted: 11:09:43 03/15/05 Tue
Author: Maye
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Subject: SMG on Robot Chicken
I am so ridiculously excited that I get to actually post something on this board...*nostalgia fest!*
Don't know if any of you are Adult Swim fans on Cartoon Network, but Seth Green's new action figure sketch show (which so far has featured a plethora of guest voices from Burt Reynolds to Macauley Calkin) showed off our gal Buffy on Sunday night's ep. Don't read below if you haven't seen it and are planning to catch the rerun...
Scene opens with Chucky the killer doll wandering through a cabbage patch (sorry, I mean "lettuce patch", copyright folks). The "Lettuce Patch" kids all pop up and eat Chucky, thus embuing them all with evil souls. Lettuce Patch dolls everywhere start eating people....and up pops Buffy to kick their asses as the Lettuce Patch Slayer. The scene then flips to SMG sitting at a cafe table with a friend, saying "And that's how Season 8 was supposed to start." The friend replied "Jesus, no wonder you quit."
She also does a voice in his next sketch, sharing the announcer chair with Seth Green in a Pet Skiing competition.
Robot Chicken is extremely odd, but occasionally quite entertaining. Plus, the guest voices! :-)
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I'll have to see that. -- wwolfe, 14:01:59 03/15/05 Tue (
It sounds very funny.
Sadly, this plot line is STILL not as dumb as the whole Jasmine thing on "Angel."
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Now see, I'd have to say.... -- Maye, 14:06:31 03/15/05 Tue (
Cordy and the big Shaft O' Light win the stupidest Angel plotline award.
Though I suppose that did lead to Jasmine eventually, so it's all part of the same general badness that was the death of Cordelia. Cuz they killed her character a long time before they actually let her die.
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Oh, I thought I was the only one -- Mcookies, 12:05:08 03/16/05 Wed (
who wasn't enthralled by that whole story line. Then again, the whole Connor storyline didn't sit well with me either. I kept hoping someone would slap him upside his head really, really, REALLY hard and tell him to knock it off and grow the the $@*! up. I actually skipped many episodes during those two seasons, which didn't exactly help the situation. I will say that watching the reruns has helped me to understand those two seasons better but I still don't like them.
And what they did to our Cordy is a crime!
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Yeah, I consider all of that one big Arc of Badness. -- wwolfe, 12:30:39 03/16/05 Wed (
Cordy's Shaft O' Light is still the most jaw-dropping TV moment I've ever seen, though.
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I didn't know what to do with myself after watching that. -- skinner, 14:26:10 03/22/05 Tue (
I did find the whole cordy-connor courtship to have a certain ick-factor I couldn't get past.
At that point I was still watching, it was a trainwreck horrorshow I couldn't pull my eyes away from.
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