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Date Posted: 06:09:38 06/17/05 Fri
Author: Mendocino
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: So I'm sitting here wondering about the old regs....
In reply to: Drusilla 's message, "So I'm sitting here wondering about the old regs...." on 01:08:39 04/23/04 Fri

In recent communication, Kim has asked why I haven't posted my side of what happened in the nastiness of early march. Below is a copy of an e-mail I sent to Tracy as the situation was unfolding[edits are in blue]:

Did you see the thread where I posted as AC here and as you? It's still on the board. Well, to conceal the IP #'s, I turned off the board's feature that shows IP's. This didn't really fool anyone, of course, and later dee posted a thread as me(asking for hugs). This was probably not too wise, as she knows she is on my shit list, but I wouldn't have made anything of it.

What went wrong was that [apparently through some glitch or Voy shit], dee's IP[which I was able to see in the Owner's site(because *I* am capable of using a password :O.P)] was the same as gretch's . The next day gretch asked in email if I had REALLY needed a hug. I said I thought she had posted the thread, because it was her IP #. She became very justifiably upset that someone had the ability to copy her IP. We set out on the board asking how that was possible, and dee came on and admitted it was her that had posted as me. She was very cavalier about the whole thing, but we pressed to find out if she had manipulated the IP's. She unclearly said that she had not, but went on to be dismissive of the questions and concern and, in my opinion, be a smart-ass about it.

So, I smart-assed back at her, and we got in a fuss, which had about run its course when Emily and Kashmanik weigh in as peacemakers, but clearly taking dee's side. This started me back up with THEM. Then, gretch came in as peacemaker on my side, and dee jumped gretch. [This should be a cautionary tale for future efforts at mediation - if you're wanting to be a peacemaker, be neutral] So it was a hugely long thread that had run its course when tee and others[my memory, if pressed, would be perhaps Frances, or lolly, or both] began complaining about the thread and the argument, so I hid it.

I would like to note here that I agree with FoX - that dee's version of the affair to this point was "pretty much correct". I think the only difference of our versions is in our perceptions of an argument that was either "in the middle of" or "had pretty much dwindled down".

Well, later on dee posted a new thread about about why was the thread deleted. Well, I hid this one, too, because it got kinda ugly, plus questioning deletions ALWAYS gets deleted, doesn't it? Well, tg posted another thread about my abusing my power, and about gretch having influence over me, so I hid this one, too. [LOL... I wonder how gretch feels about the suggestion that she has me around her finger in recent days.]

The next time I looked all the threads were back. Since Kim has been incommunicato, I came up with the theory that tg had gotten the board password from Sparkles, and had returned the hidden threads. So, to make sure she couldn't RE-restore them, I completely deleted them.

[side note: I still don't know who had actually restored the hidden threads, but it's beginning to look like Kim isn't as away as she has claimed. More on this later.][This side note was from the original e-mail. I now know the particulars in this matter.]

Well, shortly after, I noticed that tg had reposted her thread... and I saw how that was going to go[because she pledged to keep reposting], so I banned her.

The next morning I tried to log onto Owners, and found that my password wouldn't work. I also had an e-mail from Rachel saying that HERS didn't work, either. Later in the day, dee and tg reposted all the threads that had been deleted. They had aparently saved them. But, at that stage, I couldn't do anything about it. Later that night, I found that my password had been restored, and I re-deleted all the threads and I re-banned tg, and added dee to the ban.

Next morning, my password doesn't work again. But, the night before, when I had been able to get in, I discovered that the only one who can change the password is the person who had opened the board - meaning Kim.

Rachel and I are very upset about this, because we are supposed to be equal partners. It would be like Dave writing you off y'all's checking account or something. Rachel wants to resign. We had saved out the hope that perhaps SOMEHOW Kim wasn't the culprit. But Lij's fascinating message from her today seems to indicate that she was. I can tell you that this is NOT going to be acceptable.

But, unlike with everyone else apparently[referring to the daily messages some boardie would have to the board from Kim], Kim has not been answering her e-mails or calls from Rachel and me.

So, that's where it stands right now. I'm not optimistic about this ending well. I'm afraid it could get uglier at the highest level of the board.



I am telling you all this in a farewell drama dude post because Kim has insisted that she won't return my password [I'm guessing it's some sort of Board Patriot's Act, since the crisis has pretty much passed] She says it is because I am being an ass to her. I guess being an ass means complaining about having my board stolen. Kim has always felt she was more equal than Rachel and me, though, even this long ago, and even though the board was established to help her through one of her previous rough spells.

The farewell is so that I will make myself move on from this board. I look in often, and I am filled with a bitter sense of betrayal that no-one has called Kim to account for her actions. I feel if I am so wrong that no-one agrees with my way of seeing this, then I don't deserve to be your friend. And if you DO agree with my view, but aren't willing to say anything about it, then I am ashamed and embarassed for you[as I was when you let Kim and VB jump on Lij's ass last week], and don't believe you deserve to be MY friend. Or else you don't even care, so I don't either.

So, with either of those cases, I hope you all will not allow me to be your friend any more, or seek to be my friends.

As I told Nadia yesterday, it would not be helpful to try to change my mind on this matter, because that has already led to friendship-turned-nasty.

I've enjoyed the fun. But I need to move on. [Hey, that's almost a poem!]


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