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Date Posted: 02:09:10 08/26/05 Fri
Author: Drusilla
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Subject: News for the Aussies on the boards.

Yes Aussie Fans....it's finally happening....the one and only Joss will be in Melbourne and Sydney early September. He's coming to promote Serenity. Here is what was said on the Browncoats website. First of all is his welcome msg to the board.....cause I just find it hilarious.

JOSS.....Hello, fellow Australians! Yes, I say "fellow" because I was actually born in Australia! Not many people know that, because it's a total lie. But I have been to Australia many times and no, again, just lying. Okay, everything I know about Australia is that Angie Hart is really cool and that if you say "Shrimp on the Barbie" to an Australian they are legally allowed to strangle you.

Yet I feel a great kinship with all of you. Why? 'Cause we're BROWNCOATS, guys. We all fought together, we all suffered the same losses and the same triumphs. Although our websites may be far apart (um, is there such a thing as 'far' in cyberspace?) our hearts are close.

So welcome to the official Serenity Oz site. You're here, and that means you're family. We're all family, which means none of us can legally marry. Weird. Have a good time here, then have a good time at Serenity (the film) and then have a good time at Serenity (again), then rest. You've earned it. Yours truly, Joss.

JOSS SAID "Oh, and come early September, I'll be making another short jaunt -- and finally get to hang with my Aussie peeps! I'm hitting Sydney and Melbourne! Not for more than a day each, but it's still my first time and I'm psyched! See, I told you ther'd be some info if you hung around long enough.) I expect a proper Australian welcome, unless a proper Australian welcome involves paddling of any kind. "

It's been confirmed and his itinerary is going to be posted on the browncoats website once is all organised. He'll be in Melbourne for one day and Sydney for one day. I personally hope hes on Enough Rope or Rove.

now can someone help me think of a way to stop my friend Stalking him?!

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[> Thanks. -- wwolfe, 10:31:19 08/29/05 Mon (

He never fails to amuse.

"We're all family, which means none of us can legally marry. Weird."

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