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Date Posted: 09:45:17 11/08/05 Tue
Author: wwolfe
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Subject: Hey!
In reply to: shk24 's message, "as usual..." on 00:01:11 11/05/05 Sat

Great to see you.

I was just saying on the General Board how glad I was to see the Eagles give Terrell Owens the boot. You almost never see a pro sports organization do the right thing when they know it'll cost them on the field.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Hey! -- Mcookies, 23:55:05 11/09/05 Wed (

Hello all! Yes TO getting kicked off the team. One of the few times I've paid attention to football.

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[> [> [> [> i'm torn... -- shk24, 09:29:56 11/10/05 Thu (

thanks, i obviously don't get back here very much at all but i do occassionally and it is nice to see that everyone still lurks from time to time...

getting rid of owens was certainly the right thing to do because he is just one big pain in the ass, but not having him pretty much assures the eagles of no super bowl, again, this year...

i was impressed with the indians this year, do they want thome back?

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[> [> [> [> [> No, they don't. -- wwolfe, 15:49:46 11/10/05 Thu (

They like him - I think most everyone likes him as a person - but his huge salary combined with his chronic bad back makes it tough for a small market team like the Indians to afford him. Even if the Phillies agreed to pay a big chunk of his salary, his back problems would mean that he'd have to be the DH and that doesn't make sense for us, since Travis Hafner, who'll be our DH for the next several years, is younger, healthier, and cheaper.

I wish Thome had never left. If he'd stayed and played DH often enough to keep his back problems from getting worse, as they did as an everyday first baseman in Philly, he could have probably hit enough home runs to make the Hall of Fame. Now I'm afraid his health will keep him from getting it done. In any case, he just doesn't fit the Tribe's needs and fiscal limitations now.

I'm very hopeful about next year. We'll probably lose Millwood and Wickman, but we have enough good young pitchers to plug the gaps. Our good young everyday players should get better and the experience of a tight pennant race ought to help us next year. Chicago will be tough, but it would surprising if everything broke the right way for them two years in a row. Plus, I have to believe that Ozzie Guillen's act will get old with his players sometime soon.

Whatever happens next year, I had a lot of fun following this year's race. When Mark Shapiro took over as GM and said we'd contend in 2005, I thought he was BSing the fans. Turned out he knew what he was doing.

Now I'll have the excitement of watching LeBron and company try to make the playoffs. Like the Tribe, they're young, talented, and they seem to have a good spirit, so it should be fun.

Sadly, the Browns still suck.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> didn't think so.. -- shk24, 23:17:47 11/10/05 Thu (

i loved when the phillies got him and he was exactly what the franchise needed at the time but with the emergence of ryan howard, there is no way they can keep him...

my guess is that he will eventually go to some american league team who needs a big bat as a dh but the phils will have to pay a large portion. i would stick with hafner as well if i were the indians.

it was painful to see how well millwood pitched considering he did absolutely nothing while here. the danger with him is that if he gets another big contract he could get complacent and out of shape again.

whole i wanted hunsicker as the new gm, i like gillick as well and think he will do some good things. unless they get a quality starter and a leadoff hitter i think we are destined for another second place, no wild card finish.

no that the eagles are not quite the "gold standard" anymore and the sixers and phillies are on the outside looking in, our best hope to end the drought is the flyers...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Ahhhhh!!! -- Kuzibah, 08:28:45 11/11/05 Fri (

You had to say it! Thanks for the jinx, NOT!

Although I have to say, while I miss Jeremy and LeClair (John was my favorite for many years, and man do the Penguins suck this year, poor guy) the Gagne/Forsberg combination has been a lot of fun to watch.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Oh dear... -- skinner, 22:00:21 11/11/05 Fri (

Here I am...and I have NOTHING to contribute to this conversation!


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> i know, i know... -- shk24, 22:10:03 11/11/05 Fri (

i probably shouldn't have said anything....

as much as i liked lindros, man do i wish they had forsberg all these years!!

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