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Date Posted: 15:45:33 05/02/07 Wed
Author: skinner
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Subject: Re: 10 years ago today
In reply to: GG 's message, "10 years ago today" on 13:14:50 03/10/07 Sat

What is everyone doing now?

I have two kids...Ian and Fiona. Sean and I are moving back in....we are going to give it another go.

We are moving back to Toronto...Sean's accepted a job there and I've received a promotion and will start working out of the Toronto office once my mat leave is done.

Is anyone on Facebook??

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[> [> Re: 10 years ago today -- wwolfe, 13:40:50 05/08/07 Tue (

I'm glad to hear about you and Sean. I hope very much that things work out.

By the way, did you know that Max and Kelly are in TO now?

I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but I promoted to assistant director of the personnel office in the department where I've worked since 1988. I run the discipline program for about 6,000 employees and supervise seven analysts. I'm still learning how to do my job, but I like it - other than the fact that it serously cuts down on my ability to post at places like this.

Apart from work, everything is pretty much the same - the band keeps perking along, I travel to visit folks frequently, and I watch more TV than I probably should.

What is Facebook?

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[> [> [> Re: 10 years ago today -- shk24, 23:35:56 05/20/07 Sun (

10 years...hard to believe.

much has changed and nothing has changed. several job changes but still doing the same thing. still married, still with 3 kids but despite my best efforts they keep growing up. like wolfie, still watching too much tv but not really enjoying much of it. still hate riley finn. and still waiting on a major sports championship in philly(23 years & counting)...

one little show spawned a village that is spread across the globe(with a little assist from michelle), that is pretty amazing...

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