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Subject: Premature ejaculation - how to avoid ejaculation before right time

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 22:08:48 02/12/14 Wed

Premature Ejaculation and Interrupted Sex - Practical Treatment Tips

Sex ending too soon is a common male problem. This can happen because the man ejaculates and get an orgasm prematurely. Then the excitement and erection ceases before the man wishes and before his woman or partner gets satisfied.

Another thing that often happens is excessive and unpleasant feelings in the penis that kill the erection and also stops the lust to proceed.


Some men are just more sensitive in the skin of the penile head than others and in some men the nerves connected to muscles and other structures in the intimate zone react more quickly that in the average man. Such hypersensitivity is often inherited.

Lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain may cause premature ejaculation. Serotonin modulates the erectile response so that it is delayed until the proper time. Such lack often causes depression and premature ejaculation can be a symptom of depression.

If a man is anxious for intimacy or fears of not being able to maintain a steady erection, a psychological defense mechanism can cause him to ejaculate prematurely. Then he has a good excuse for not being erect any longer and he avoids a prolonged intimate situation that he fears.

Often a man ejaculates prematurely because he or his woman are stressing and speeding up the act too soon. At too speedy and intense action by the women can also be unpleasant for the man and cause the erection to go down.

Unpleasant sensation that cause an end to the action can be caused by too much friction against the penis acting inside the vagina due to lack of lubricant fluid and sometimes the pubic hair of the woman causes unpleasant sensations.

Sometimes the woman does the act in a way that feels very good for her but gives unwanted stimuli to the man's penis. Some women tend to adjust their position during the act or pull the man forward with her arms so that the penis presses up against the clitoris, but this will typically bend and stretch the penis very unpleasantly or give the extra stimulus needed for the man to ejaculate.


Avoid doing sex in a stressful way. Begin by gently caressing, kissing and fingering each other to build up your excitement. Then you enter your lover with your penis. Also after penetrating your lover, proceed in a slow and gentle way and build up the speed and intensity of your actions gradually.

If you feel you are going to climax before you want to, it will often help to slow down the action and let the feelings and reactions settle before going on more intensely again.

A premature ejaculation can often be stopped more easily by tensing the muscles along and around your urethra and your prostate area after you have paused your actions.

If the man signals to the woman that he is about to climax before due time, the woman can help to stop it by calming down her own actions. She can also stop the ejaculation by gripping around the penis firmly just under the penile head with her thumb at the front side of the penis and the pointer finger and ring finger at the back side. She must hold the grip 10 to 20 seconds.

Another trick the women can use is to press with all her fingers down towards the man's urethra between his scrotum and prostate area. When doing so she can feel the beginning pumping action and she presses so firmly that the pumping action and any flow of semen stops.

Masturbating a couple of hours before sex with the partner can bring down the excitement to a level that makes it possible to keep on a long time before climax. This technique works best for younger men, while it can be difficult for elder men to get a satisfactory erection so soon after masturbation.

The women should learn what types of pelvic postures and actions during intercourse that give good sensations for the man and what types are not felt well or lead to unwanted ejaculation.

It is necessary that both partners cooperate and talk together about doing sex the best way and about tricks and adjustments that can help both of them to have a more satisfactory sex experience and hinder unwanted happenings.

Sensations and reactions that cause the erection to go down or a premature ejaculation can sometimes be avoided by using lubricants that decrease the friction. Using a thick condom can also shield the penis from excessive friction.

If the unpleasant sensations are caused by hair around the vaginal opening, adjusting the hair to a shorter length can help.

On the market you can also find creams to be applied to the penis head and formulated to decrease sensations that can lead to a too early ejaculation or take away unpleasant feelings.You can also find condoms with such creams at the inside.

Some of these products are based on standard pharmaceutical analgesics as working ingredients, others are based on herbal extracts. These topical remedies sometimes also contain ingredients to stimulate the erection. A few men are however allergic against analgesic substances and have to try products with different ingredients or cannot use such creams at all.

Antidepressant medication that increases the serotonin level in the brain may help against premature ejaculation, when taken some hours before intercourse. These types of medicines should probably only be used when the sexual problems is one of more symptoms of a depression, because anti-depressant often cause bad side effects.

Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. At his web-site you can find more information about sex and health. There are also presentations of products to help against sexual problems and common diseases, for example products to improve erectile potency, increase excitement and to hinder premature ejaculation.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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