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†.The Graveyard.†

†.the graveyard is a sad place. one where horses come in sorrow and anger, visiting hated and loved. friends and family, and to come for advice. they say that ghosts have wise information on lots of things throughout CM. most of these horses have died for loved ones, or in battle, or just standing up for what they believe in. please, show respect for the dead, remember, not much can hurt a spirit, they are dead, but their souls live on in our hearts...†

Subject Author Date
Funeral For A Friend - Welcome Home Armageddon (2011)eberhingqpzyxhfhysichoqnklmiwvstedojonhfryevbhtmaqypd04:11:59 08/19/16 Fri
Saving The Rainforest (ppt).pptchafrody19:20:17 03/28/14 Fri
HOT! 2 Fast 4 Gnomz Pal Wadchafrody19:18:52 03/28/14 Fri
Sour Grapes Of The Fathers: Dealing With Generational Iniquity, Sins & Cursesverhanr08:37:16 03/20/14 Thu
Mother Poemsverhanr08:35:46 03/20/14 Thu
737Wilco-Vista/7kaylell07:53:28 03/19/14 Wed
{mars_venus.zip}kaylell07:50:05 03/19/14 Wed
[Users Choice] Adobe Livecycle Designer Es3 Serial-addsxanyenyn13:31:33 01/26/14 Sun
Home base jobsIrfan, Shah05:38:32 01/18/10 Mon
*(0) Diamonds (0)*aish04:21:45 09/19/09 Sat
~*~Diamonds are Sharp~*~Black Diamond16:47:10 03/22/03 Sat
~*~Diamond's are Sharp~*~Black Diamond17:31:06 03/28/03 Fri
-Hawk lands in the brances of a large tree and looks around- (NT)Wings19:21:23 03/28/03 Fri
testingn18:26:13 03/28/03 Fri
testtester18:01:00 03/28/03 Fri
Runs towards the graveyard...Jeranex17:26:04 03/28/03 Fri
ēSouls are lost when lives are deadēDark Demon06:48:04 03/10/03 Mon
^Beyond the Moon^Moon13:37:05 03/10/03 Mon
a tiny colt stumbles overFenris15:00:00 02/18/03 Tue
scaredmeela19:19:39 11/08/02 Fri
~Song of the Desert~Loki21:06:22 12/22/02 Sun
GAURDIAN INSIDE!Concerned PLayer13:46:52 03/09/03 Sun
.:|Dreams among the Fire|:.Dreamfire14:03:41 03/07/03 Fri
*~The Lightning Strikes~*White Thunder21:21:13 02/19/03 Wed
.:|Dying Dreams, Dying Flames|:.Dreamfire18:24:35 02/01/03 Sat
**Flurry**Snowflake Flurry12:45:53 02/01/03 Sat
~*~Diamonds are Sharp~*~Black Diamond20:08:37 01/25/03 Sat
„ Distruction Is Near „De§mon19:28:36 01/30/03 Thu
*~Dieing Fire's Last Minutes~*Raging Fire09:45:33 01/26/03 Sun
Sorrow and anger comes to Scarface.Scarface16:46:43 01/22/03 Wed
„ Distruction IS Near „De§mon22:34:46 01/17/03 Fri
pulls a wagontrue tale16:05:29 01/13/03 Mon
I walk around, sadly. I don't know any horses here, but I know they stood up for us.oCupcake12:00:57 01/11/03 Sat
*~*The dancing stops now..*~*Amber12:27:21 01/11/03 Sat
„ Distruction Is Near „Desmon17:11:16 01/09/03 Thu
~Diamond as Black as the Night~Black Diamond03:44:23 01/08/03 Wed
Pads UpLunarah20:42:24 01/06/03 Mon
walks in an looks around at all the horsesmiya16:52:30 01/06/03 Mon
×Never Cross Fire׀®ųššƒļ®ė13:38:37 01/06/03 Mon
~*I Seek The Past*~*?*16:23:15 01/04/03 Sat
„ Distruction Is Near „De§mon00:05:19 01/01/03 Wed
.:|No Dreams... No Fire.... Just Tears|:.Dreamfire10:05:27 12/27/02 Fri
*~Darkness Rides on the Wind~*Eryx22:34:20 12/31/02 Tue
-Hear the Raindrops Sing-Raindrop17:55:51 12/20/02 Fri
~> Am I Evil <~~>Genocide<~21:05:40 12/26/02 Thu
[wolf][soul reaver]19:35:11 12/23/02 Mon
.:|Dreams Burn with Fire|:.Dreamfire16:32:29 12/23/02 Mon
A mare seeks advice about some battles she is yet to fightlonely star06:32:09 12/22/02 Sun
~Lost is not a Good Thing~Starlight's Thunder Cloud14:16:06 12/07/02 Sat
-Harsh cry ... perching in tree ... watching- (NT)Lappet-faced vulture01:56:28 12/06/02 Fri
testtest12:53:50 12/08/02 Sun
Archives: 1234 ]

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