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Subject: ~> Am I Evil <~

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Date Posted: 21:05:40 12/26/02 Thu

~>Am I Evil<~

~> beast slips silently from the woods and into the graveyard, blood still stained on his black muzzle... he moves swiftly over the turain to one of the cripts, pushing the door open and sliping inside... the light would be comeing soon and it hurt his blood red eyes more than any humans wepon could <~

My mother was a witch, she was burned alive
Thankless little bitch, for the tears I cried
Take her down now, don't want to see her face
All blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace
Twenty seven, everyone was nice
Gotta see 'em, make 'em pay the price
See their bodies out on the ice
Take my time
Am I evil?
Yes I am
As I watched my mother die, I lost my head
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread
Takin' no chances, you come with me
I'll split you to the bone, help set you free
Twenty seven, everyone was nice
Gotta see 'em, make 'em pay the price
See their bodies out on the ice
Take my time
Am I evil?
I am man
On with the action now, I'll strip your pride
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet
Am I evil?
Yes I am
I'll make my residence, I'll watch your fire
You can come with me, sweet desire
My face is long forgot, my face not my own
Sweet and timely whore, take me home
Am I evil?
I am man
My soul is longing for, await my heir
Sent to avenge my mother, sleep myself
My face is long forgot, my face not my own
Sweet and timely whore, take me home
Am I evil?
I am man
Am I evil?
Yes I fucking am

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