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Subject: /|~Struggle for Power~|\

Fire, Katie, Shadows
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Date Posted: 15:05:58 02/05/03 Wed
In reply to: Stars 's message, "\~Tis Death~/" on 05:47:04 02/05/03 Wed

~Screams~ No Flurry! ~Pressed her hand to her neck and pushed all the power she had into the filly. She fell to her knees, shaking and pale, lips quivered as she whispered~ Don't die Flurry... please... ~Shivers~

|Was knocked to the ground and hit his back against a rock. Blood matted his fur. Howls in pain and rolls over to his feet and limps over to Flurry where he changes into a colt stood at her side. He shivered, knowing that Storm could feel his pain|

~Let me heal you and Storm the young girl told him mentally as she reached for him~

|Backed away and shook his head| You're too weak. |Could only hope Storm was ok. He watched the battle and was determined to get back into it but was worried. He was connected to someone else. Another life was in his paws/hooves and he had to be careful|

\|/Rears backward and screams unearhly then bites at the mare's neck and rears with flesh in his mouth\|/ (If he got hold of her that is)

~Stood and while the colt watched she pressed her hand to him and healed his wounds. She fell hard to her knees and sucked in air~

|Looks at her in fear and rage| Why did you do that!

~smiles and lays beside Flurry~ Help Mother. ~Fainted~

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~|Tis Death|~Stars17:41:30 02/05/03 Wed

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