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Subject: çSouls are lost when lives are deadç

Dark Demon
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Date Posted: 15:51:46 03/19/03 Wed
In reply to: Lana 's message, "__________Charm3d" on 17:19:01 03/11/03 Tue

((grrr, evil voy))

~the steed smiled slightly at the girl's words his voice cracked as he spoke.~

well, that's life i suppose.

~the demon called to the vampire for he knew she still lurked.~

Minuit, for your friendship i have a gift. i wanted to make you mortal again, but i guess even magic cannot do that. i have something else, but i am going to wait to give it to you. one of these lonely days i shall return with your gift.((well, i had actually thought of getting her a gift after i started to die. so i tried to stall my death so i could get it, but no. the adventure ppl are slow!! so i decided he has lived long enough so you get it when he's a ghost, lol))

~the demon now dropped his head, his voice seeming to be directed towards the ground.~

i shall miss you my friends, but i will always be with you.

~with those last words the demon's amber orbs shut for their final time. his nostrils stopped their falring and his sides stopped their heavy heaving for his lungs no longer sought air. his muzzle closed for no words would come forth again. his heart beat slowed until it became silent his veins running cold and the pool of blood around him started to dry. death lingered upon his body, he had gone.~

.:.death is only the beginning.:.
Dark Demon

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__________Charm3dLana18:25:08 03/21/03 Fri

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