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Date Posted: 18:24:47 11/28/01 Wed
Author: MATT

Please be praying for my Aunt Francis!

Last week she was having some serious health conditions. She had like 5-6 slipped disks in her back, and she needed open heart surgery too. As fas as the back she had had surgery on them to repair them, but they screwed them up worse. So she needs surgery on that, but there is only a 30% chance that it will do her any good. See a year 1/2 ago she went into the hospital because of a heart attack and they put a splint in her heart..Well now she is having health problems again, and she needs open heart surgery, but she said she wouldn't have it, because she knows how long it takes her to get well and because she doesn't like getting any blood (transfusions), and she didn't want to see her husband watch her and have to take care of her. This was all last Monday....

She went to the emergency room yesterday and they did all kinds of test and stuff and they found a real bad infections (bacterial or viral or something) anyways they gave her medicine and said she should be doing better after the first time she takes the medicine, well she wasn't better. She called my mom earlier today and her legs were just giving out on her she was falling on the floor. The doctors got the results back and they said they needed to see her. Well she went to the doctor and got in around 5...now they are trying to get her into the hospital. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER!

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