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Date Posted: 09:18:55 04/22/02 Mon
Author: Officer Shrek
Subject: "So Benit, exactly what the h*ll are we looking at?"
In reply to: Officer Nerva Benit... 's message, ""Oh no," I think to myself as the human walks in, "Not him."" on 12:46:13 04/14/02 Sun

Steve got up first and grabbed hold of the holomap that Astrotrain held out to Private Benit. The disk was as big as a baseball and fit into a driver that attacted to a gauntlet that the human officer wore. Each gauntlet held a drive device that projected the image on the disk. Depending upon the person that image could be incressed in size to accomadate a stadium or decressed so small that only the tiniest microb could see it.

Steve uploaded the map to his server and projected it in his hand as they left Astrotrains office, Wicked cool. So where exactly is this worm hole that 'Trains so intrested in anyway?"
Benit gave him a decidely unprofessional look, obviously he didn't like being called boss. Steve was going to have to remember to call him that as often as he could.

"We're looking at an area of space known as the Rugby Vector. That green dot right there.../i> Benit pointed out the large dot that was approximently 2,800 miles from the worm hole. "is Starbase Rugby.

Steve stared at the dot, "You sure that's Rugby? The last I heard of it that station had been destroyed..."

"Obviously you don't read your own files, do you." Benit expressed, as they made their way over to Rusty's small stand. "Rugby has been rebuild and avoided the dection of the Senate for quite some time. I think it still has yet to come under any control of the officals upon Cybertron. Which can be very benifical as you've seen since working here. The fact is that Rugby is quite the attraction now, gaining more and more activity with each passing day. Evenutally I'm sure that the Senate will eventually want to, 'tie up any loose ends' with it."

"And how long have we known about Rugby?" Steve asked more intrested in hearing about this space station then about the worm hole they were going to investage.

Benit gave him a tired look, as if it pained him to have to explain to an officer who had been working there for over a year exactly how long Rugby had been active. Shrek, to Benit was going to be a shock, a very annoying and loud shock. He looked back at the menu and said quickly, "Offically we've know about it for two, three years. Unoffically, I think we had some basic knowlage since it was being reconstucted and started up again. Astrotrain has Nemisis covering every inch of every sector, but he never discloses how much Intellegence Nemisis has gathered over the years."

Then Benit placed an order and Steve leaned back against a piller. The whole Station now seemed very curious to him, and he wondered why it was here that the Worm hole had been cut open.

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