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Date Posted: 12:11:52 09/06/02 Fri
Author: Spellbound
Subject: "I have one..."
In reply to: Talman 's message, ""So these are my men?"" on 12:01:28 09/06/02 Fri

She raised her hand slowly, trying to make it seem more perverse then it actually was.

"Will Talman be staying here after were through with our assignments?"

She watched as the dragon grew a slight red to his cheek bones. A smile lit her face. Spell bound was use to getting what she wanted, and what she wanted now was that dragon. There was nothing to vile that she wouldn't try it at least once. And she knew how to use her assessts quite nicely, compared to other Decepticons.

The obvious revultion in Rigal's face made it all the more delicious. To most bots that chose not to be "down graded" to a maximal or Predacon body, the idea of even being involved in some sort of romatic relationship was quite disenchanting. Even more so if you figured in the physical part of joining sparks.

To Spellbound, nothing in life was grander then giving more then a person could take. She use to work as a dock hand on the Hub. Had little or no credits to her name, so she got males to buy her things. At first it was things that she needed. Energon, and other fuels to keep her running until she could get off that stinking hole of nothing. Then she started asking for more material things, and managed to land herself a very nice fish for a while. A lion maximal named Othello.

Then he up and disappered, taking all of her credits. Scraping what she had left, Spellbound rejected going back to work for the docks, and instead invested it into training.

She was resorceful, and cunning, and could be brutal when she needed to be. But above all else she was a fighter, and when she saw something she wanted she went after it.

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  • "Well looks like it's time to go..." -- Talman, 12:16:35 09/06/02 Fri
  • "Sir, exactly what is the...Pale Guard?" -- Blithe, 10:09:21 02/07/03 Fri
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