Date Posted:13:08:54 07/21/13 Sun Author:BERNARD R PAINTER Subject: Re: Tet Offensive February 1968 In reply to:
Michael Porter
's message, "Tet Offensive February 1968" on 17:59:43 01/17/13 Thu
>iwasin aco84th enga from dec 67 to dec68 I worked in supply under sgt tarazzi I also worked under sgt dan marshall I remember when danny howell was killed I had been on guard duty at the quarry two nights before it happened and we had been probed that nite, I did not know danny personaly but I do remember he had been back in country less than a week I do remember that they renamed the quarry in his honor and memory feel free to contact me at the e-mail address. welcome home brother.I was in 84th Engineers A Company worked at thil 1967 - April 1968. I had a friend who was
>killed February 11, 1968 at the rock quarry. His name
>was Danny Howell. He was on guard duty. Does anyone
>remember Danny?
>I worked under Sargeant Duscol.
>I just found this site, and am so glad that I did.
>Hope to hear from anyone soon.