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Date Posted: 15:12:22 04/18/05 Mon
Author: aljo
Subject: Jibberish, I say!
In reply to: bill 's message, "I'll put a 5'er on Jean-Marie Lustiger to win the Shoes of the Fisherman" on 14:59:53 04/18/05 Mon



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[> Re: I'll put a 5'er on Jean-Marie Lustiger to win the Shoes of the Fisherman -- Femok, 15:57:27 04/18/05 Mon [1]

Well, I'm not up on all the candidates, but Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras, Ivan Dias of India, and Dionigi Tettamanzi of Spain all look interesting.

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[> [> Re: I'll put a 5'er on Jean-Marie Lustiger to win the Shoes of the Fisherman -- bill, 07:02:20 04/19/05 Tue [1]

I took an online "Who's your next pope" quiz that said my guy should be Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga. I think his stance on economic justice for the poor is long overdue.

However, I was really put off by comments he made a few years ago comparing those who've exposed the pedophile priest scandal to Stalin and Hitler. In magazine interviews Maradiaga had stated the main reason the U.S. media has pursued this issue is anti-Catholic based revenge for the church's stance on capital punishment, abortion and for its support for the creation of a Palestinian homeland. To him the prosecution and convictions are an unfair witchhunt and "The church should be free of this kind of treatment".

However, I also read that African Cardinal Francis Arinze is a strong contender. He also is an advocate for debt relief and aid to the third world. The article I read said he has a strong swelling of support because Evangelicals have severely cut into the heavy Catholic base of Africa over the last 10 years and they need someone who can stem the losses since such a large % of the world's Catholics currently live in Africa.

There supposedly is an old adage of "follow a thin Pope with a fat Pope", meaning you choose someone who will lead the Church back in directions away from those begun by the last Pope in order to keep the basic tenets balanced over time.

I hadn't realized there were so many issues beyond basic theological beliefs. But if you look at the silly power struggles at the local church and temple level, I can only imagine there's all kinds of politics and dealing going on. Sure would be interesting to be a fly on the wall.

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[> [> [> Re: I'll put a 5'er on Jean-Marie Lustiger to win the Shoes of the Fisherman -- Femok, 11:00:31 04/19/05 Tue [1]

Yes, I also was disappointed to see that Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga made those comments. I only hope they were made in frustration with the whole pedophile scandal, and that he lashed out at the media as a convenient target and has since seen the error of his ways. I haven't heard of any Cardinal who is openly advocating for allowing priests to marry. Perhaps that would be too bold at this stage of the game. I hope you are right about the fat pope idea.

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[> [> [> [> Fat man in the bathtub -- Femok, 16:07:43 04/19/05 Tue [1]

Bah - they picked "The Enforcer", Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, who has taken the name Pope Benedict XVI. He was John Paul's right hand man. Obviously the powers that be don't want any changes in the foreseeable future.

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[> [> [> [> [> However -- Femok, 20:43:41 04/23/05 Sat [1]

Apparently the new Pope is a cat-lover, and his brother says he's getting a bum rap being cast as a conservative 'enforcer'. It did make for a seamless transition, anyways.

And here's what the Onion had to say:

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