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Date Posted: 10:32:27 06/10/05 Fri
Author: Femok
Subject: You Jolly Joker! Here's another one
In reply to: aljo 's message, "Did you hear about the two antennae that got married?" on 20:09:34 06/09/05 Thu

Quasimodo, the demented bell ringer of Notre Dame, put an ad in the papers for a assistant bell ringer. One man applied for the job but he had no arms.
"How are you going to assist me?" asked Quasimodo.
"That's easy!" replied the man and he ran at the bell and banged it with his head.
"That's amazing!" said Quasimodo. "Could you show me that again?"
"Sure!" said the man and he ran at the bell again but he missed the swinging bell and fell out of the bell tower. A crowd huddled around the hapless man lying in the street and a police office asked, "Does anyone know who he is?"
Quasimodo came out and said...


The day after the guy with no arms fell to his death, another fellow shows up and said that he was the brother of the man with no arms and he wanted to audition for the bell ringers job. Quasimodo takes him to the bell tower, the guy picks up the wooden mallet and starts to ring the bells. He took a huge swing, missed the bell and fell over the balcony to his death. Quasimodo runs outside and the policeman asks him who the fellow was. Quasimodo says, "I never got his name, but he's a dead ringer for his brother..."

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[> [> How's about this one.... -- 2gud2btru, 16:36:39 06/10/05 Fri [1]

Back in the early 70's, when Canada still had capital punishment, a prisoner was waiting on death row,
waiting to be hanged. However, his execution kept being postponed.

This went on for several months until capital punishment was abolished
and the sentence was commuted to life emprisonment.

When interviewed by the media, the only statement the prisoner could makes was:
"Well, I guess I could say no noose is good noose

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[> [> [> Those made me chuckle... as did this one... -- aljo, 07:52:10 06/11/05 Sat [1]

Why can't the Buddhist vacuum out his corners?

Because he has no attachments!


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