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Date Posted: 22:55:40 06/14/05 Tue
Author: Femok
Subject: 40 days and 40 nights
While I realize that a lot of people are suffering through a heat wave, my own particular set of circumstances is quite the opposite. I honestly can't recall the last sunny day we've had. It just varies between light rain and heavy rain. I am getting ready to build an ark and set sail for the promised land, that being some kind of land where you can golf!!!
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Re: 40 days and 40 nights -- aljo, 05:58:25 06/15/05 Wed [1]
Here in Maine, we have just had the 3rd rainiest May on record. It was something along the lines of having 22 days of rain in the 31 days of the month, 16 of them in a row.
And then June started out ok, but it started raining yesterday and we're expecting to get rain each day through at least Friday.
As a self-proclaimed hot-weather-hater, I don't mind the coolness the rain is bringing.
If you think it'll help, we could all join hands and chant:
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RE: Chant -- Femok, 09:34:59 06/15/05 Wed [1]
It worked! Youza miracle worker. That strange glowing orb has appeared once again in the sky, and right in time for my golf night! Woo Hoo!
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Golf -- Kaan, 09:25:11 06/17/05 Fri [1]
I would tell you to come to Muskoka ( Ontario) but many of the golf courses are closed in our area due to mild flooding. As for golfing... Don't cry too hard. My husband was suppose to be in a golf tourni yesterday and it had to be cancelled. He has another today and same thing.. Cancelled! The rain is sun is suppose to come back by Sunday.
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Re: Golf -- Femok, 10:11:55 06/17/05 Fri [1]
Well, this is our third day in a row of sunshine after about a month straight of rain and/or cloud. We are loving it, and of course, quickly getting the overgrown lawns mowed while there is time. I have planned golf, golf and more golf for the weekend. The ground is still wet, but what the hey? Who knows, this might be it for the summer, and I am entering a busy work period starting next week. I should come up for air in early August. Hopefully there will be some summer left.
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