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Date Posted: 17:56:27 08/24/05 Wed
Author: Caro
Subject: Penis rings can be fatal!

Doctors at a Romanian hospital want police to help them find a man who fled after being told he'd have to have his penis cut off.
The 42-year-old had apparently stuck a metal ring on it after losing a bet during a drinking game in the pub.

Staff at the hospital in Pitesti in the south of the country say gangrene had set in.

Doctors told the man the only way to save his life was to remove the damaged penis, but said when they told him he fled the hospital.

Dr Stelian Belu said: "He put the ring on but could not get it off again, and unfortunately although he was in agony, he waited two days before coming to hospital because he was embarrassed.

"The blood supply by that time had been cut off for too long, and there was nothing we could do. We told him we would need to cut it off so that the necrosis does not spread to his body."

Doctors fear the man will die if he does not get urgent medical treatment, local Pro TV reported.

Dr Belu added: "There is no way he can escape going under the knife. He needs to come back to the hospital and accept this."

It appears that regardless of the ultimate outcome of this story, our hapless Romanian will no longer contribute to the gene pool!

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[> ROFLMAO!!! -- Feisty, 22:34:36 08/24/05 Wed [1]

ok.. well thats about all i have to say about that. haha poor guy!!

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