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Date Posted: 17:10:34 09/15/05 Thu
Author: aljo
Subject: Some online fun for the word nerds here


An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of
another word or phrase. For example, "Time Heals All Wounds" can be
rearranged to form "Most Will Use A Handle". The Internet Anagram
Server (aka "I, Rearrangement Servant") gives results in your browser,
and has an Advanced interface which allows you to include or exclude
certain words, specify minimum or maximum numbers of letters per
word and a few other tweaks.


Anu Garg, creator of The Internet Anagram Server, also offers
A.Word.A.Day, a newsletter for people who want to explore the world
of words and share it with other wordlovers. For details on AWAD, see


Also notable, illustrious and famed in the anagram arena is Anagram
Genius, which you can find at

Anagram Genius

Anagram Genius seems to be better at processing long input strings
and generating phrase-like results. For example: "not over until
the fat lady sings" = "Stringently deathful ovations"


If you're a fan of the Scrabble board game, you'll love this one.
Enter the seven letters on your Scrabble rack, and this nifty tool
will reveal, disclose and divulge all the words that can be composed
from them. You can even specify specific beginning and ending
letters, or ask for words of a certain length.

Scrabble Helper


If you're having trouble getting a word in a crossword puzzle, then
perhaps OneAcross can help. In addition to pattern dictionary
searches, it can analyze the clue as well. OneAcross lets you enter
either the length of the answer or an answer pattern, in which you
use a question mark for unknown letters in the word. OneAcross also
has a tool to help you solve cryptograms.

Crossword Helper


At Dictionary.com, you can look up a word in either a dictionary or
Roget's Thesaurus (to find synonyms and antonyms). The site also
offers Ask Doctor Dictionary (for questions about words or grammar),
the Word of the Day, daily crosswords & word search puzzles, and a
huge list of links to other online dictionaries, including hundreds
of non-English ones.


WordWeb Pro is a downloadable program that I use all the time. It
can be used to look up words from almost any Windows-based program,
showing definitions, synonyms and related words. The feature I like
best is searching for words matching a pattern, such as "ab*ly"
which will return abashedly, abjectly, abnormally, absolutely,
absurdly, and a superfluity of others.


The WriteExpress Online Rhyming Dictionary is a helpful resource for
poets and songwriters. You can find Ending rhymes (blue/shoe), Last
syllable rhymes (timber/harbor), Double rhymes (conviction/
prediction), Beginning rhymes (physics/fizzle), or First syllable
rhymes (carrot/caring).


Need a synonym, antonym, or related word? Try this online tool:



Etymologic presents you with 10 randomly selected etymology (word
origin) or word definition puzzles to solve. Some of the answers are
improbable, incredible and hard to believe!


WordZap is a fast-paced addictive word game you can play over the
Net or against the computer.


StoryFun is a variant of the Mad Libs word game, created by students
at MIT who obviously don't have enough homework to do.

Story Fun

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