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Date Posted: 14:06:26 09/23/05 Fri
Author: Caro ~ still bored as heck...
Subject: last one... erm.. maybe.. lol
In reply to: Caro ~ can you tell I'm bored yet? 's message, "funnnnnnnyyyyyyy!" on 13:54:31 09/23/05 Fri

One day a frog walked into a bank and asked to see the loan officer. The teller directed him to a woman named Patricia Whack. The frog went into her office, hopped up on her desk and said, "how do you do, Ms. Whack? My name is Kermit Jagger and I'd like to borrow $20,000 to go on holiday."

Patricia said, "wha . . . huh?????"

"But it's okay," the frog continued. "My father is Mick Jagger and I know your bank president personally."

Patricia pulled herself together a bit, shuffled some papers around and said, "um, well, uh, we'd need some collateral . . ."

"Certainly," the frog said. "Here you are." He handed her a miniature porcelaine elephant the size of a thimble.

Patricia said, "ohhhh-KAY! I'm just going to have to talk to the bank president about this first."

"Of course," the frog said easily.

Patricia backed out of her office and scurried down the hall to the bank president's office. "Sir," she said, "you won't believe this! There's a frog in my office and he says he knows you and his name is Kermit Jagger and Mick Jagger's his father and he wants to borrow $20,000 to go on holiday and this is what he gave me for collateral! Would you look at this? I mean, what is this, anyway???"

The bank president sighed and shook his head and said,

"It's a knick-knack, Patty Whack! Give the frog a loan! His old man's a Rolling Stone!"

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[> [> [> [> [> Hee hee -- Femok, 14:12:55 09/23/05 Fri [1]

that's my fave.

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