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Date Posted: 13:01:02 10/27/06 Fri
Author: Femok
Subject: Re: F O R U M
In reply to: pattybear 's message, "Re: F O R U M" on 16:26:10 10/26/06 Thu

Patty! Great to hear from you and congratulations to you and Bill on your first anniversary. That Bill must be some hoofer to raise $4000!!! ;-)
I've been very busy with dance as well, taking over as General Manager here and launching our season along with a major fundraising campaign, while writing grant applications and trying to hire a new employee. I did take time off to party like a rock star last weekend at the Western Canadian Music Awards, though.
I was also an occasional Acro player before they shut it down. It had become only a shadow of its former self player-wise, but there were still some fun people to play with. Every once in a while I would see one of the old players from way back when.
Acroland is not really in use any more, just as most of these forums have become unused. I guess there just isn't any connection since none of us are in conversation regularly. C'est la vie.
It's nice to hear that you and Bill are doing well. How are your dogs?

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