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Date Posted: 18:28:20 04/21/07 Sat
Author: Kristen
Subject: Well,
In reply to: Used to be Cake 's message, "I hath retoined..." on 15:42:50 04/05/07 Thu

Who, moi? Cause trouble? Naaahhhhhhh! ;-)

I had surgery yesterday, and now have a metaltarsal in my right foot. *rimshot*

I've been married to THE most wonderful, amazing, beautiful man in the world (After much frog-kissing, I finally found him! ;-)) for almost 2 years. He is the heart of my heart and the best thing that EVER happened to me!

I'm still a cake girl, though I'll be laid up for probably another 2 months. I miss working!!!!!

My baby boys are now 16 (today!) and 13 (last month), both taller (and smarter) than I am, and both wonderful.

I'd just about kill for a good Blinkylink session with Libbie, Aljo, you, Jo and whoever else used to go in there with us. MAN, that was fun!


You take care too! :-)

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[> Re: I hath retoined... -- pattybear, 10:08:31 04/23/07 Mon [1]

(((((Kristen))))) & (((((Peej))))

Imagine my surprise to see someone had written an update in this dusty old forum.

Our update. We've been married since November 2005. 17 months of wedded bliss.

I've been busy trying to find a place which I'm satisified with my working enviroment. Since moving to Virginia, I have worked in three hospitals and have been unhappy with the former two. Glad to report that I've finally found a position where I think I'm happy. I'm telling you, healthcare in the south is not what it is in the north. In fact at times, it can be downright scarey.

Bill is busy studying for his registration exams. He passed three of the five sections needed and is well on his way. Who knows where we'll find ourselves once he passes all the sections and finally has his licensure. It's pretty safe to say that we're both not thrilled with this area of the country. Maybe another move is in the works.

Bill has found a new passion. DJ'ing. We've joined a local Lindy-hop, Balboa, swing dance group and have made some good friends. Within our group, we find ourselves traveling to other cities to dance at their venues. Bill has been collecting big band music and is Dj'ing the weekly dances. He's also been hired to DJ a wedding this summer. With his music background, he's easily become folks favorite. I am so proud of him :)

You can keep up with our happenings at our My Space Account here:

So glad to hear updates from you both!


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