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Date Posted: 10:06:07 06/07/08 Sat
Author: Kristen (Cake, for the forgetful among you... LOL)
Subject: How 'bout some updates, y'all? I'll go first.
In reply to: pattybear 's message, "Re: Man there is a lot of CobWebs in here" on 16:19:21 06/03/08 Tue

Where to start?

My wonderful husband and I will be celebrating our third anniversary later this month. It is indescribably beautiful being married to your best friend!

I now have TWO high-schoolers! My baby boy is going into the 9th grade, and my oldest is a SENIOR! OMG!!! I am SO not old enough for this.

I transferred to another store late last year, and am now working where I am not only appreciated, but also credited for helping to improve our sales percentages.

And a whole lot of bragging about my kids and gushing about my hubby and general smiling and happiness crap... LOL

Oh yeah, I'll be on vacation in a week for the first time in over a year. Eight glorious days of NOTHING! WOOHOO!

Hope y'all are doing wonderfully as well! ;-)


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[> [> Re: Man there is a lot of CobWebs in here -- Caro (da wabbit - hope no one forgot that LOL), 07:44:52 06/25/08 Wed [1]

Nice Kristen! It's so great to see that you're finally happy :)

Yup, I have kids in highschool too and it is quite a scary time but am glad that they aren't misbehaving too badly ;)

Whoah, you've already been married 3 years? :o I need to get out from under a rock.. lol

I've been with Andre for 7 years now and am planning a big surprise party for his birthday in July. Wish me luck - this is the first big party I ever plan on doing by myself...

I've been working for the Government since 2001 and will be getting an extra week (paid) vacation starting next april and I can't wait for that.. 4 weeks paid vacation a year will make a bit of difference (YAY!)

We have a small zoo at home which is great (to me). I have 2 dogs (Rex - mix border collie/bernese mountain dog), Sophie (shitzhu), a degus (Dusty - degus are so cute, they're closely related to Chinchillas), a hamster (Shadow), a bunch of fishies (I just noticed a bunch of new baby guppies this morning) and 2 finches. Whew!

Not sure what else I have to share, really. Oh, I have a few old Acro people on my facebook... you may want to take a peak there also..

*warm hugs to all*

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