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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 06, 05:53:42pm
Author: Leslie (nova scotia)
Author Host/IP: blk-222-217-234.eastlink.ca /
Subject: Prince Edward Island souviner and some good luck

From the land of the Bluenose......my shift had ended and much needed vacation had started on a good note as Marie had a dozen Bud icing in the fridge! Wasn't too concerned about the "day after" as Michelle (my sister) was picking me up at 7 the following morning for our trip to PEI.

Promptly she arrived as I was listening to the Bell's of St. Mary's chiming in my head as Marie was giving Mick final instructions for keeping me in line. A quick gassing up, stop at Tim's, four aspirin and we were on our way with lead foot driving....amazes me how she avoids speeding tickets. Drive there was uneventful and seemed over before it began as we exchanged banters about our family and it's colourful past.

Once over the Confederation Bridge it was off to the other side of the island where one of Mick's subcontractors was visited on his virgin farm which seemed to cry out for someone to swing a detector over. Amongst the chickens, dog, cattle and horses I did swing finding only a few modern pennies while dodging cow patties, doggy dew, chicken droppings, horse heaps and a few horse flies who mistook me for a gelding. Mike was not too disappointed by my lack of finds and quickly deposited a keith's in my hand which was rapidly downed as were his cousins. Day ended with a great bbq and seafood chowder.

Heading back to Border Carleton we checked into the hotel and began to socialize with the ball team who were all in a rather good mood considering that we had 25 dozen free beer for 10 of us which they were attempting to empty from the fridge in the beer room. Took one of the players 12 year old son for a dig around the lawn and showed him the finer points of using a top of the line Garrett, albeit an older model as the rest of the team was watching and playing a ring toss game. After 15 minutes the young kid had dug up more coins than I did on the previous two hour hunt.

Friday morning saw our first ball game and we.......showed up! That was all I can say about the game as we were like an elephant's butt....a mile high and we stank! Picked up my PEI souvenir (photo#1) sliding into 3rd on crusher dust wearing shorts. Adding insult to injury next inning while we were in the field the runner at 1st lowered his shoulder into me while I was covering 2nd on the force and drove me into left field. Two more games that ended the day were of the same result but on a brighter side the beer would be cold. Can't tell you how many sorrows were drowned on this evening but by the end of the night our tales were taller than Paul Bunyon and I was hitting dingers swinging my Garrett.

Next morning, feeling no pain Mick poured me into her car for the trip home which landed me there in time to go to the family reunion which pleased Marie immensely. Lord love a duck 300 Lerue's in one room and all wearing a horrid orange T shirt. Anyway the food and the company was good with Marie and I winning 5 of 24 prizes which I'm sure delighted those in attendance.

Following day it was off by myself for the South Shore loop of swishing which netted two firsts for this year...a Chinese coin with a square hole in it and a blood sucking leech feasting on my inner thigh.

Oh...gambled on a machine for the first time while in PEI and won a total of $345.

To view photos follow the link, cut and paste and find the post.
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