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Date Posted: Friday, August 19, 12:21:44am
Author: leslie(nova scotia)
Author Host/IP: generic.cdha.nshealth.ca /
Subject: uneventful swish nets silver "0" photo

From the land of the Bluenose.....thought I'd try a new spot that long ago was a happening swimming spot that is now virtually unused. Upon arrival I parked Goquicksi on the side of the road and carefully made my way through the under growth that was teaming with bees attending to their duty. Having just swim trunks and water shoes on I didn't want to rile the local population. Once at the swimming area I noticed much to my dismay old fire pits filled with broken glass and discarded and now melted beer cans that dotted the 75 foot sandy beach area. It was disheartening to see such a pretty spot spoiled. I figured that a swish here would be a challenge and I was right. I dug every signal of which there was many as I had turned the discrimination to nil when swishing with the Seahunter.

Each time I looked into my sieve it had broken glass, bottle tops and pull tabs in it which I carefully put in my pocket to later deposit in the appropriate place. A few coins and a silver ring did come my way but I felt rather uncomfortable swishing here and left shortly there after.

Returning to my vehicle I noticed a car with Ontario plates parked beside me when two ladies approached me and asked if this was a private area and was the swimming good to which I responded no to both querries adding that I was on my way to a beach not far from here which was great for water activities and they were welcomed to follow me there which they did.

Felt more comfortable at this beach especially since I had swished there on several occasions and was a familar sight to the life guards. Mangaged a few coins and a few pieces of debris here. The two young ladies that I had led there wasted no time in going in for a dip to cool off. End result of the day's swish was 24 coins @ $6.49, toe ring (may be junk), golf ball, earing and the silver ring.<center><img src="http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d636b3127cce93f4ed2ae3a100000016108AcM2bhk4ZN2"></center>

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