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Date Posted: Thursday, September 08, 12:47:19pm
Author: Leslie (nova scotia)
Author Host/IP: blk-222-217-234.eastlink.ca /
Subject: dismal disappointing dinkie day...photo

From the land of the Bluenose...thought I'd try a fun hunt and look for something specific...the elusive dinkie. Armed with both my Garretts I set off on a rather hazy day....or was it me in a haze as I had a meeting with Bud the night before. Anyway pointed Goquickski south east and hit a few local parks hoping that I would find my prey where the rugrats hang out. Oops have to be politically correct these days....vertically challenged individuals! The beach proved futile so I tried in the grassy area to no avail snagging a load of pennies in the process.

Putting the Freedom 3 in the trunk I grabbed the Seahunter and headed in the drink to see if the dinkie could be found. Notta, zilch, zip ...no dinkie could be found but did capture a small silver ring, a nice necklace and 52 coins at $6.02. Such is life in the land of the Bluenose!

After taking the photo of the finds I happened to glance out the window and there in the stream behind the parking lot was a blue heron. Nice to see the wildlife (that flies or walks on more than two legs) return to the Little Sackville River. Last week saw a muskrat. Have the photo of the bird but I think the Kodac easyshare will share no more...toast or near it. Mick was called and will have her's once again till I can get a new one.<center><img src=""></center>

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