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Date Posted: 19:59:48 04/21/18 Sat
Author: Bakoo Bellomy

About plants, spaces and other natural substances you can use to get more intensive sexual pleasure and imcrease your libido and abilities:


Pills, balms, tools and toys to amplify sexual libido, ecstasy, pleasure and strength, and to magnify or reshape the penis or the breasts.



Drugs to make you physically younger, slimmer and better shaped, and thereby enhance both beauty and capabilities.



Radio controlled airplanes, helicopters, drones cars, boats, blimps and UFOs.



Parts to repair, clean, groom or enhance your car, and things to make the journey with the car more comfortable. Also loading equipment and workshop tools.



Computers, phones, screens, auditory equipment, periferials and components for affordable prices


Natural medicines to help for common ailments, as: hemorrhoids, constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS, rostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, acne, rosacea, vitiligo, eczema, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and more



Nice jewelry and quality watches made of diamonds, rubys, sapphires, opals, clear and colored quartz, gold, silver, platina and many other noble materials.


Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood. The polls are a part of a contuous investigation going on to find out what authorities do with kids and adults, but seldome talk about.

You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about. If the lonks are not active, please copy them and use them in the address fields of your browser.

Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Americans- please tell in my unbiased poll who you would vote for if rhe presidential election was today



Fusion will be the energy source of the future, but not with the bulky and impractical technology given most of the research budget now.. These will never get economically profitable.

About the Physics Professor Michio Kaku and His Public Propaganda Mission

He is on a long term payroll of somebody with the task of making people confused about reality, and to lure people into acceptance of tight and absolute control of body, mind and daily life by a deep state network, or he is himself so manipulated without understanding it, in order to make him do that task.

But Kaku is only on of many eagerly deceiving people this way, with various styles of approaches. By the way, any logic he presents about any subject is very shallow indeed. The man probably knows his mathematics, but in all other respects he is less than a well.oriented amateur.?


The problem and deceptive property with many so-called scientific videos from Mars that debunk claims of life or constructions being there, is that they deliberately show the least interesting of construction-like formation on Mars.

There are structures on Mars with so regular shapes that they would immediately be interpreted as ancient ruins if they were on Earth. Also the so-called face is interesting, not because it looks like a face on distance, but because near pictures of it shows that it once were a regular oval pyramide-like formation that has collapsed, and due to the collapse one can see that it has hollow areas inside.

Mars also has a lot of regular segmented, tube-like or worm-like structures of every shape, and regular pyramids positioned in exact distances from each other. I do not claim these necessarily are constructions, but video about formations that look away from these, obviously the aims at making people look away from those more interesting things on Mars.

Knur Holt


About Apparently Superflous DNA

Much of the apparently superfluous DNA in the genome of cells has an obvious physical function. It allows the DNA to bulk out selected sequences that code for specific elements and expose these sequences so that they can be used. Had the DNA been compact, all the useful DNA would be unreachable. But probably much of it simultaneously has cybernetic control functions.?

About the Gas Attack on Children in Syria

About the happening in Syria. Assad was probably not responsible for the attack on children, and perhaps the attack was only pretended too. Assad knows that such an attack does not give him profit at this time. The attack was done by Islamist rebellions in cooperation with elements in the administration and military forces of USA, UK, France, Russia and United Nations. These elements have the interest of destabilizing the region and making the leaders in the said countries to do fatal mistakes, and use these mistakes to fortify the power of and international feudal network that has the aim of establishing a worldwide dictatorship.

Those same elements have mislead Trump and the other politicians. But it seems like Trump understood that they try to mislead him, because he ordered an attack only on chemical factories, wherefrom the gas probably was taken, and that Assad probably did not have the full control of. Assad is not a good guy. He has done terrible things before, but he is too clever to do such provocation as an attack in children with gas in the current situation.

Currrently many videos on youtube and other popular media begins with some imposing, unpleasant, but also hypnotic, music that has the ability to exhaust the brain, reduce the critical sense and prepare for following propaganda in form of pictures or talk, blended with the factual information that might be.

During the propaganda itself, the music gets softer and more subtle, or develops into a white background sound, but still these sound patterns are cleverly constructed in in a way that naintains the hypnotic state and renders the mind open and defenceless for the propaganda, unless you are aware of this manipulation going on and resist consciously.

Knut Holt


La anestesia que se usa durante endoscopia puerte un riesgo mas que menor, y casi siempre produce un malestar despues usalmente mas grande que lo de un endoscopia sin antestesia, pero hecha prudentemente. La endoscopia per si no compuerte mucho riesgo. Entonces la mayoria de las endoscopias se dovrian hacer sin anestesia general o sedacion profunda. La razon para usar anestesia profunda es usualmente que el equipo quiere ocultar el procedimientp del paciente y de su familia.

Knut Holt



Freedom-threatening Medicalization of the Schools Children and Teens Attend

Steadily more authorities governing any country push an aganda with the purpose of conforming the bodily development, the bahavior, the mental capacities, the feelings and the behavior of children within certain strict standards.

Authorities also steadily more show a an exaggerated fear for all kind of contagious diseases that they push to counteract with any means possible.

To meat these objectives, all countries in the world are gradually transforming the schools that the children attend into hospital-like units There the children are subjected to a thight program of psychological, psychiatric and somatic examinations and adjustments, for a great deal also very intimate and intrusive ordeals.

This medicalization program is coordinated internationally, and departments within the United Nations, like Unesco and WHO are centrals that largely define objectives, standards for this enterprize, and coordinate the whole as a wirldwide project.

This development has of cource not come equally long all places, and certain commuities or schools are selected as pioneering sites for the development. Surprizingly certain private school systems, like the Montessori schools are more often used as such avanguardistic sites than public schools.

There are or course certain wellmeant deeper objectives behind this movement, but a central and clandestine objective is to controle most of the populations in all thinkable ways so that they can serve, and not be a threat, to a small global elite that owns most of the properties of the world and have all kind of freedoms that the majority does not have. Another clandestine objective is to ensure proffit for the World's medico-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

The school medicalization must therefore be seen am element in a developing global feudalism.


Each year the kids go through a cycle or assessments and treatments with the following stages.

- Costant surveillance, protocollizations and reviewing of the attitudes, behavior and body functions of the kid, both by manually and by electronic means.

- A neuropsychological exam, partly done by electrodes and recording equipment attached to or inserted into all body areas, including the intimate openings.

- A physical examination by which inspections are done in most body areas with x-ray equipment, ultrasound probes and endosopes inserted into all body openings and especially the body openings in the pelvic zones.

- Medications to control feelings, behavior growth and pubertal development.

- Physiological or surgical adjustments in body areas, and especially in the genital zone and the rest of the pelvic area, mostly done through inserted endoscopes.

The examinations are especially extensive at certain age levels and are then typically done under general anesthesia with the child hsopitalized in an intensive care unit within the school itself or an annex used by several schols in the areea, These afe levels are school beginning at age 6-7-8, preteen period at 11-12, and puberty period at 15-17.

A general tendency in this kind of school system, is to hold much one does with the kids secret, both for the kids and the parents, by making the kid unconscious and memory-repressed with medication lured into himher in neutral surroundings, bring himher into a secret room to do the ordeal, bring himher out again and let the kid wake up again in a neutral room.

By Knut Holt

For more information about physical health, mental weellbeing, body developement and sexual techniques, please see:


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