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Date Posted: 10:03:35 01/07/02 Mon
Author: WHITEY
In reply to: FRF CHEERLEADER 's message, "WHAT ABOUT MY SONG?!" on 20:31:19 01/04/02 Fri

aight aight aight aight....

I thought that originally I had sent emails to everyone with FRF accounts including the cheerleader about a song or 2 for the CD. If I didn't do that, then Jenn, if you want a song, or even 2 on the CD, just let me know what they are. If you could even send me the MP3, that would be even better. Seeing Mike is a bitch and never got back to me, I just put the 3 interviews on the CD instead but I could eaisly change the CD before it is distribuited to everyone.

Even though the CD is not entirely for sale cuz we're so huge and all (not meaning like Tripp) I'm gonna still be askin for people to kick in a little cash cuz this site doesn't pay for itself. There are a couple people who have kicked in some cash so far and I really appreciate it but then there's others who just aren't around and don't hit me up with some cash. Just cuz I got a phat job now that pays twice what I made at BK, don't mean that I can support the whole site on my own. I've got stuff I want to spend money on too. I'm trying to upgrade my entertainment center.

Anyways, the CD is done but hasn't really been released because I haven't seen anyone to give it to so Jenn, if you want a song or 2 on there, hit me back. Real soon.


Luv ya all,

happy Kwanzaa, merry Easter, Congratulations and um....yeah that New year thing too...


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