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Date Posted: 00:44:04 01/14/02 Mon
Subject: Re: Canada RUN Who is down???? Lundey lane
In reply to: POKEY 's message, "Canada RUN Who is down???? Lundey lane" on 21:43:14 01/13/02 Sun

SMILNER's in, if you can jack him out of his hiding place in the bowels of Ithaca. Or maybe he'll jack himself. He's been known to do it. Speaking of which, I jacked myself outta here to hit up Websta and I was unable to meet up with my fellow FRF superstars. I've heard rumors they they were SCARED SHITLESS of the thought that SMILNER was uot and about, and they locked theyselves up in their houses all weekend with boarded up windows and shit like chickenshit BITCHES.

>Allright so The time has come once again to goto the
>most famous and favorite place of most of the FRF
>stars "The Sundowner" over on lundeys lane in canada
>Well people have been clamoring togo but pokey has
>certain conditions where leaving the country would be
>bad.BUT pokey will not be going *wink**wink* BUT i
>think dirty sanchez is going And who doesn't love that
>crazy mexican.well maybe all women but besides that.
>Whoever reads this and wants togo respond to this
>We is gonna pull in like mad peeps to go.
>BUT anyhow FEBRUARY 2nd which is a saturday we is
>going THE DOWNER will be ours,WOoooooooooooooooo

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  • Re: Canada RUN Who is down???? Lundey lane -- ROODZ, 16:16:54 01/15/02 Tue
  • Re: Canada RUN Who is down???? Lundey lane -- POKEY, 21:00:36 01/15/02 Tue
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