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Date Posted: 02:40:28 01/24/02 Thu
Author: POKEY
Subject: Re: New Superstar Whut??
In reply to: SMILNER 's message, "Re: New Superstar Whut??" on 01:03:35 01/24/02 Thu

No i didn't mean you would have to drive to canada i just meant that you would have to come out to webster thats all and i was taking bout 6PM.

>Let's be a little more precise here: so SMILNER's'a
>hafta break out of the Alcatraz-like security of his
>current secret dwelling, bounce on up there, and then
>cart all your sorry asses up to Canadia? Don't you
>sorry bastids have cars? And are you talkin 6AM or
>6PM? kind of important.
>>Yeah lundy's lane woohoo So umm yeah you gonna have to
>>drive out here met us here in rochester then whippity
>>out there,Iaght? it will be off the hook.We gots to
>>leave at like 6 yeah we will say 6 cuz we always run
>>late but yeah.
>>>I've decided: the new superstar will be announced at
>>>Lundey Lane. Heads up like WHUT.
>>>>So who be the new FRF superstar it better not be my
>>>>>Yo qiero mucho taco grande, or some shit like that.
>>>>>>Hey esse did you finally get the great luchadore
>>>>>>burrito nacho?
>>>>>>>I recall that at the last FRF occassion I was
>>>>>>>appointed by Skinny Mac himself the official FRF
>>>>>>>Director. Upon remembering this information, I
>>>>>>>decided I would weild this great and terrible
>>>>>>>some sort of awe-inspiring end. Therefore, in
>>>>>>>fashion, I have decided to go STRAIGHT THE FUCK
>>>>>>>Skinny Mac's pompous, egotistical head and hire
>>>>>>>new superstar. I would have at least let Dirty
>>>>>>>in on my scheme, but he seems to be some sort of
>>>>>>>misanthrope and hasn't said a damn word to me,
>>>>>>>SMILNER, his goddamn blood-brother in longer than
>>>>>>>can remember.
>>>>>>>Looking back on this message, I think I'm going
>>>>>>>leaveit off here. Instead of out-and-out telling
>>>>>>>you who the newest superstar is, I'd rather see
>>>>>>>guesses flying about on the message board until
>>>>>>>done amusing myself at my own reckless,
>>>>>>>abuse of this shred of power. Let the pure
>>>>>>>speculation fly.

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