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Date Posted: 01:50:38 03/01/02 Fri
Author: Pokey
In reply to: WHITEY 's message, "LONG LIVE THE FRF" on 14:52:37 02/27/02 Wed

Well yes the pokeman is lacking internet access at work now and does not like being downstairs cuz i am a bitch.But anyhow yeah i added a section right quick for the downer accounts and even Dirty Sanchez himself made an entry so peep it.Pretty shocking shit to say the least.
thats all i gots for now i am working on stuff in my spare time never fear people will indeed die

>First off Roodz....Fuck you.WHAT. I do have the FRF
>CD completed, but I'm the only one that has it. I
>have not yet made copies of it. I should be able to
>very soon as I will be staying at work later and our
>color copier is down right now so I can't print the
>stuff out as well.
>Smilner and everyone else...if you want to submit a
>Downer article, I can create a section for it.
>The same goes for the NJ trip.
>The reason that Pokey hasn't been doing much with the
>site is the system is bringing him down. The man (not
>me..WHITEY..this time) is tellin him that he can't
>update his webpage or look at little girls in skimpy
>outfits on the internet anymore. Give the man a break.
>>I've been on the site several times a day, and I'm
>>just waitig for that HATA Pokey to tell me where we
>>can submit out individual accounts of the Downer trip.
>>But he ain't never around. If you'll look at the FRF
>>Chat, it will also be noticed that I've been the oly
>>one in there in weeks as well.
>>>I have been visiting frfwhut.com every so often, and
>>>have not seen any new discussions. Did you ever make
>>>it out of the Downer alive? That Slapnut Whitey
>>>promised music months ago. What? I said that Manboy
>>>Whitey was putting music together. What? I think that
>>>I am going to have to give my apparent tag-team
>>>partner a ROODZ AWAKENING to motivate him. What?
>>>Please excuse the "What" commentary. It is just to
>>>further irritate Whitey so he can post music. What?
>>>What? What?

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