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Boughton Manor
The Boughton Manor
~as you wander up the gravel drive imprinted with horse hooves, around the bends and forks you come along a large manor...two large oak doors open as a door man opens both...you enter into a well lit entry way, the floor hard marble...to your left is a large stair way leading to the second and third floor...to your right is a large library, a small fire blazing in its elegent fireplace. As you wander farther on you come along another large door, behind this door is the kicthen, to the left of the kicthen is a large office, a desk in each corner, one for Kael and one for Oliva, to the right of the kicthen is the sitting room, as you wander up the stair case in the front of the house, you see the walls are lined with pictures of the great horses of the past, Like Kelso, Sir Barton, Flying Colors etc...as you reach the second floor a few rooms are empty and a few rooms have neatly made beds for the guest and maids/butlers...you wander up the steps once more and come to a hallway with only 2 rooms, a bedroom on the left and a bedroom on the right, the right one is Kael's the left, Oliva's...straight ahead is a door leading onto a narrow yet safe walkway all the way around the houses third floor, you are in awe at the veiw of the stables and feilds...~
Kael's Suite
Olivia's Suite

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