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Subject: *Roxxy walks in with her new horse close to her. She can tell>>>

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Date Posted: 19:42:56 07/24/01 Tue

That he is nervous. At first she starts to lead him to a stall. Then she remebers the golden rule of horse training: Think like a prey animal. He was born out on the fields and has no training and no contact with people. He is going to be very cautious of his new surroundings namly his stall. Of coarse, what respectable prey animal would put themselves in such a position: only one way out and very confined.* What can I do with him then? The indoor arena. Of coarse! *She talks softly to the pretty stud as she leads him out to the arena. She brings him inside and walks out quickly and closes the gate, so he can't follow her. He whinnies and when it echoes he bolts around the arena. He will have to calm down tonight she thinks. She stood watching him. His moves were so flashy, and unpredictable and smooth; just like magic.* That's it. *she says softly* your new name is Ala-Ka-Bam. Bam for short. You are magic with a bang. *She left the arena to the sound of his hard breathing and snorts.*

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