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Subject: *laughs*

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Date Posted: 18:25:43 06/06/02 Thu
In reply to: Yahoo 's message, "::Lobes tilt back::" on 15:01:42 06/06/02 Thu

Crazy dog! You hate baths...*laughs again, shrugging* I wont complain though. Come on. *He pats his thigh and leads him out to the yard, taking his shirt off and turning on the hose, glad it's summer. He holds onto the tattered collar, noting that he needs to get new ones with IDs for all the dogs, especially Yahoo's. Waits for the hose to stop the rush of hot water and then turns the cool water on the dog's coat. He rubs the shampoo in, lathering his coat white and then rinsing again, picking out stray clumps of dirt. He turns the hose off, winding it up and leading Yahoo inside to his kennel so he can't roll. Grabs a comb and gets out any loose hair from his coat, checking for fleas. He attaches a flea collar incase, and then trims the hair under his ears.* Lookin' good. Hopefully Chyna will come back before you mess my good work all up. *laughs and drys his fur off the rest of the way, stepping back to admire*

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::Devilish grin::Yahoo21:11:06 06/06/02 Thu

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