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Subject: Ooh, forgot something...

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Date Posted: 11:57:49 07/11/02 Thu
In reply to: Yahoo 's message, "::..parades in..::" on 11:25:01 07/11/02 Thu

Okay, normally I don't like playing characters at the same place but.....I really liked these dogs and couldn't resist. I'm thinking you could maybe keep one, and then sell the others? Whatever you want. ::Shrug::

.Show Name. Aspencreek's Jackson Tyee
.Call Name. Jackson
.Breed. Chinook
.Gender. Male
.Age. 1 year
.Character. Jackson has the heart of a lion, and would do anything for his owner. He always tries his hardest and never gives up on a task. All he asks for in return is simple praise and love.
.Training. Basic commands, sledding
.Purposes. Companion, sledding, breeding, showing

.Show Name. Mountain Laurel Koltag
.Call Name. Koli
.Breed. Chinook
.Gender. Male
.Age. 1 1/2 years
.Character. Koli is pretty strong-willed and stubborn, and enjoys it when things go his way. Though usually a pure sweetheart, he can be aggressive if feeling threatened.
.Training. Basic commands, sledding
.Purposes. Companion, sledding, breeding

.Show Name. Thunder Paws Nokomis
.Call Name. Jessie
.Breed. Chinook
.Gender. Female
.Age. 3 years
.Character. Full of love and compassion, Jessie is the perfect mother. She has the heart and sweet personality, as well as a protective instinct.
.Training. Basic commands
.Purposes. Companion, breeding

.Show Name. Frontier Rowdy Tukwilla
.Call Name. Tuk
.Breed. Chinook
.Gender. Male
.Age. 3 years
.Character. Sweet and level-headed, obeying his owner's every command. Tuk loves to do nothing more than please, and will go out of his way to do so.
.Training. Basic commands
.Purposes. Companion, breeding

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Subject Author Date
CoolVan06:56:10 07/12/02 Fri
  • Alrighty -- Yahoo, 19:18:59 07/12/02 Fri

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