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Subject: ::inspection::

Yahoo ((and the rest of the pack, lol))
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Date Posted: 09:49:25 07/17/02 Wed

Yahoo~ ::gaze shifts around the kennels, low growl emitted as he finds himself lost in boredom. plops onto his side, rolling around restlessly. small paws scrape against the ground, gnawing roughly on a rawhide::

Tuk~ ::bored yawn falls as canine pushes against his kennel once again. large paws slink into the links of the fence, muzzle bumping against it. tail wags slightly, although unsure as to why. lobes tip forward, searching for nothing in particular::

Jessie~ ::female yawns heavily, lying down in the far corner of her kennel. lids fall over chocolate orbs, sides heaving as deep, comfortable breaths are taken::

Jackson~ ::deep barks roll from his throat as defined canine paces in his enclosure. tail wags oddly, flopping against the side fence. long strides are taken, only to be halted. stops at the near end of his run, flopping into a sloppy sitting position. ears flop oddly, one bent upward. tongue lulls out the side of his mouth, stupid expression on his face::

Koli~ ::low growl emerges as robust canine lies down. broad skull drops against large paws, heavy sigh falling. dark orbs search, though little interest is found in his surroundings. the barks of others only draw him farther back into his kennel, remaining quiet::

((Eesh, that's alotta dogs...::huffs:: lol))

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*Small sigh*Van12:31:32 07/17/02 Wed

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